Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Now I am a Christian…proud of it. Then there are the moments that I see the “fakers”.
You know who they are…I love the lord…the lord is working on me…DON’T YOU DARE JUDGE ME…ONLY THE LORD CAN DO THAT!
Now all the while they are spouting how you or I are living in sin…doing wrong, going against God’s will. These are the very same folks who are sleeping around, can’t commit to one person, or can’t get a good person cause, let’s be honest YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON! They can't rise to the occasion of looking out for anyone but themselves!Judgmental to the core, but you can’t pass the mustard for being a person much less getting into heaven.
Someone asked me the other day how can you be a Christian and act the way you do!?
Then proceeded to recite so many lines from the bible that you would think that they wrote it! WTF! I simply said to them challenge me all you want to but don’t use the bible to do it, they then responded with…What’s wrong don’t like the truth?
So I being a debater the way Ron Jeremy is a porn star I went at them…
Question #1…What is God to them?
Answer…All-knowing all-seeing, the Creator! God is love!

I then said…let me get back to you. They said you don’t have a comeback do you?
Now I’m pissed…my comeback is this don’t give me anything you can’t prove…don’t spout shit to me a GOD all-knowing and all-seeing would never sanction!
Your bible is flawed! Your bible has more edits to it than a Hollywood picture before it gets to DVD! Your bible has far too many contradictions for it to be written or endorsed by God! He is all knowing and all seeing then why would he be a damn flip-flopper, he’s God not John Kerry! Where is Jesus in the bible…not as the star of a chapter but as a writer? You would think he would have a say in it. Why is it blasphemy to challenge the word of God, when it is written by man?
I love the Lord. I don’t have faith that God exists. I have intellect and deductive reasoning behind me that leads me to KNOW HE EXISTS! There is a pecking order in all that we know and see…with that in mind, there has to be a greater being than myself!
A CREATOR! How he or she created us I don’t know, but I do know that we had to have had one.
I don’t need the bible to SCARE the shit out of me to do right! I know the difference between right and wrong! When I see scripture being used to indoctrinate and not enlighten, there is a need to say wait! If we are so into scripture, put your money where your mouth is…
Abolish money…that’s right let’s remove money; let’s give everyone one of everything they want. No more poverty, you know that thing that is mentioned more times in the bible than anything else!
Next let’s teach humanity and civility before we teach the bible, it fucking reads like a Wes Craven version of 300! There are more killings and enslavement in that than there is in Roots and an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie combined!
There is a better way to follow God’s will than following the bible…act right, act as if he is seeing you do everything you are doing! If He is all-seeing and all-knowing as everyone believes…
And as Chuck D. put it…”Aint that how God planned it”?