Friday, January 7, 2011

Bullet Wound With A Band-Aid:Part 2... Rich Man, Poor Man

I am always amazed at what poor people argue about. It seems so damn insignificant when you compare it to the rich.

It’s always anything that rich people don't argue about...they just do it!

That's right, the rich gets shit done...daily!

Its like a great white shark hunting for food, no emotional quotient involved. No joy, no anger, and last but not least, no problems.

They solve any means necessary.

That’s what our society's biggest problem is. The majority of us are so fixated on the fringe issues that the main point, the top priority in our lives gets lost.

There is a tremendous disconnect on how the two groups think.

The poor believes that there are rules; the rich believe that there are obstacles. Many times the obstacle is the poor. Many of the poor are very easy obstacles to overcome. Just give the poor something to argue over. That’s the game…we just bicker over whatever they deem a moral issue while they make money.

Have you ever thought as you woke up in the Riviera that you need to go on the Maury show to find out if your one night stand is the father? Oh... that doesn’t happen? Why? Because poor people don’t go to the Riviera! They can’t afford it.

As a person that has been privy to some varying conversations based on income I have learned one important lesson.

Money has a bad rap…"Money changes everything"…

"They who are of the opinion that Money will do everything, may very well be suspected to do everything for Money"…

"Money often costs too much"...

I am of this point of view…I don't like money, actually, but it quiets my nerves. ~Joe Louis

I know it may seem cynical, so let me explain. Having money isn't a bad thing. Fucking over your fellow man to get that's a crime.

But we admire criminals. Until we become the victim.

We need to think like a rich man. Prioritize our lives by what truly matters.

We are not at the table on the matters that would calm our nerves. We vote for abortion, gay people, tax cuts (as if a tax cut for a poor person really can help), cutting teacher’s pay, or anything else the media( a bunch of rich people paid by rich people) tells us. The poor believes that it’s a small world after all.

The rich…TWISM…The world is mine. Or CREAM…cash rules everything around me.

The rich doesn’t care about whether or not abortion is illegal...before it was legal they had them. With less of a risk of death or damage than it is now.

Education…Paris Hilton has a GED. A fucking GED! Got a family member with a GED? How well are they doing? Do you really think that she didn’t get an education about business from her parents and their vast teams of lawyers, accountants, and businessmen? Look at the easy path to education for those that are rich…remember George Bush went to Yale! Legacy…you gotta love the game of privilege. You’re born on third and live your life as if YOU hit a triple.

Health care…Are you serious? Do you think that anyone with the last name of Emmerson or Gates cares about universal health care?

Taxes…Only time they care about taxes is when YOU aren’t paying enough. When you aren’t paying enough…the American Government comes to their rescue. Sacrifice becomes the mantra, the sales pitch, the meme that the poor happily endorses and carries out.

Gay people…Ken Mehlman Placed anti-gay issues on the ballot to defeat Kerry. Then went home to his man. Did his masters fire him...the media even acted as if they didn’t know…the truth is they didn’t care. Power and money only discriminate against the have-nots.

You see that’s our problem…we care about many things while the rich has priorities…wealth is number one with a bullet.

The poor has emotional issues that stop them from attaining happiness.

We still believe that if we were rich it would be...

“Mo money, Mo problems”...
I wonder how many problems some of us would have if we were rich?

Would losing the fear of being homeless, unemployed, or unable to afford a doctor to save your life change your point of view?

Would eight hours of sleep equate eight hours of sleep for the first time in many of our lives if the basic needs of mankind were met?

Don’t mind me…keep saying that having money is bad or that we shouldn’t frown upon greed. Keep arguing about what may matter to you, but don't make it number one. The one percent will keep on doing what they do best...

Making "Mo Money" to find "Mo Solutions".


Anonymous said...

If this is too much to bring to the table, then going back to school seems a waste.
It seems not that money is the root of all evil, rather the love of it.
From poorest to poor to rich too super rich and the super richer.
Like a generation gap of elites who fail to understand the offspring and their drive for more since none have never starved or hungered for want or need.
Johnson and Johnson gave us the band aid so we could forget the pain they believe we have.
With a tax cut we bleed, with a debt we die. The poor man don't owe much more than they own, thus
the rich man won't get much more.
Relish this dish: those who don't lick their plate waste too much.

Bob Chapman (
I am breaking up Chapman's material into two parts. Part 2 is from his previous letter. I am giving you just a few of the highlights and content that best expresses his views on the economy and US politics. He is very interesting and has the benefit of decades of experience behind his views. His newsletter isn't expensive and he writes often and long. You should check him out.

Anonymous said...

Part 2a
Ben Bernanke tells us quantitative easing is not inflationary. He says that with assurance because he knows all the CPI statistics are as realistic as a Madoff Ponzi scheme. He also tells us he doesn't create money out of thin air. He fails to mention that he does so digitally. His job is to further enrich the elitists who own the Fed and want to create a new world order. Prices are up 6-3/4% across the board as official inflation has only risen 1.2%.
Unfortunately, the public does not understand, but they will in time, because a great awakening is taking place. We have made more people understand what is going on in just the past five years, than we did in the previous 50 years. People know something is terribly wrong and their minds are open to the truth. That is something the elitists and their media do not understand.
Yes, there is gullibility among the public as to how finance and economics and monetary policy works, and there should be. Most university graduates don't know how they work either, nor do they really know what psychological warfare and propaganda are all about. The average American doesn't know what QE2 is nor have they heard of it. If they had they probably could not connect the Fed's QE2 with the higher inflation they are currently experiencing. That is not their job that is my job and others like me. Even that in fact tends to be confusing because few analysts and economists agree on anything. Needless to say, much of what is happening is going to be devastating in time. Part of the problem is ignorance and part is denial. People do not want to admit they have been deceived, especially by the leadership of their own country. It is akin to lies and deception by a member of your own family or a long-time friend. Today the world changes very rapidly and so do people and governments. Most people do not or have ever studied history much less economic and monetary history. As you can see there is a major dilemma and there are no quick solutions in the discovery process. That is why education via talk radio and the Internet is a slow process.

Anonymous said...

Part 2b
Over the past six months MZM money supply has zoomed, up some $475 billion. That, of course, has been accompanied by QE2. Conservatively these two are a one-two money bomb that will explode within the US economy. Yes, it will lift the boats, but the inflationary fallout will be painful in lost purchasing power. It will tend to force up interest rates, an area that is difficult for the Fed to control. During this process the US government has to have major funding, as does European countries, especially in the first quarter. Interest rates will rise and corporate borrowing will be crowded out. That also means European buying of US bonds will slow to a trickle and the ECB, European governments and the Fed will be large buyers of multi-government bond. That means major monetization to go along with increasing MZM. Anyone who cannot envision double-digit inflation is missing the boat. Do governments really think that they can get away with their outrageous lies regarding real inflation? We don't think so. It is and has been so transparently blatant that even Wall Street in part is questioning official CPI, PPI and employment numbers. What is also very discomforting is that employment will only improve marginally, because of the QE and stimulus 2/3's is aimed at the financial sector. We hear Wall Street and banking tell us over and over again, give us what we want and need or we will take the financial system down. Well, we have news for them. Go right ahead and do that, because they and we know it's coming down anyway sooner or later. If they do that deliberately it will be very obvious to all and they will pay a horrible permanent price. Hank Paulson may have gotten away with it once, but it won't happen again. We know how these people think because we have spent more than 50 years among them. All they care about is money, power and world government. If you can understand that they are just common criminals then you know how to deal with them. Just look at the ongoing scandals one after another aided and abetted by the SEC and CFTC and the legions of lawsuits and fines that do not stop their criminal activities. They can neither admit nor deny, they pay a fine and the next day go out and do it again. Very few ever go to jail. Their biggest sin is getting caught in their criminal endeavors.

Anonymous said...

Part 2c
Most professionals do not understand what is underway and where this is all headed. They only see a positive effect on the stock market. They do not understand that this avalanche of liquidity will also give us 14% inflation this year, damage the dollar and strengthen gold as the only real money. The Fed has abandoned its legal responsibilities to maintain strong employment and to fight inflation. The Fed is in a panic mode struggling to save the financial sector, which is not what its main mission is. It is not supposed to be bailing out the players who caused the problems. They should not be rewarding the malefactors, some of whom own the Fed. This is nothing less than financial incest. Any tightening of monetary policy or strongly higher interest rates could bring the whole creaking edifice crashing down. That leaves the Fed only one course and they have taken that course already, create money and credit until they cannot anymore. This is where this is all headed.
The Fed's perception, and that of its masters on Wall Street, is higher commodity prices reflect growth, not coming inflation and a flight to real assets. Inflation officially is 1.2% and the Fed wants it higher. The Fed knows inflation is 6-3/4% and by the end of 2011 it will be 14%. Government will only admit to 5-1/2% and that omits food and energy. If that is so, as they profess, why have government and the Fed for many years suppressed gold and silver prices? The answer, of course, is obvious both government and the Fed perpetually do not tell the truth. The illusion projected by these criminals is that they are saving America when in fact they were the ones who created this mess, and tell us that if we won't allow them to do what they want they will destroy the system. These denizens of Wall Street, Washington and the Fed as you can see care little for the average America, who has to deal with inflation - some on fixed incomes, as their purchasing power is snatched away by these same people. Thus, the policy of credit and money creation continues unabated as the fed remains ensnared in a trap of its own making.
Americans may not have much interest in gold and silver, but the rest of the world certainly does. India, China, Russia, the Middle East and Europe are gobbling them up and this strong off take has been going on for the past three years. Gold has risen some 20% per year annualized for the past 11 years. Obviously there is consternation across the world pertaining to fiat currencies without gold backing. It has now been seven years since all currencies began falling versus gold. As you can see this is no accident or shot in the dark. This is a trend not seen for many years that will turn out to be the greatest bull market in history. The entire world has problems - the US, England, the Continent and eventually the remainder of the world.