Friday, November 20, 2009

How Soon Is Now?

You know I was intrigued by Obama getting a Nobel Peace Prize…for nothing but hope.

What I found very funny is Americans still don’t know why he got it…he didn’t get it, they gave it to us he was the proxy.

America the world is watching us, some are hopeful, others are now just frustrated. They have watched you botch the health care project, screw up the two wars, and allow ‘patriots” define you.

Where is the hope you were waiting for? That is what Obama said…we are the change we were waiting for!

So have we changed? Have we forced Obama to change our existence? Have we pressured our Representatives or Senators to change? Did we do anything different than we did before the election?

Now keep in mind I have been asking the question about making our public officials to sign contracts. The response has given me a perspective that made me understand why Obama doesn’t want to serve more than one term. The oath is the contract!? No it isn’t, its never been honored, why should it now? Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor! Kickbacks, lobbyists, and more campaign money than you or I could imagine!

But hey, don’t worry America Obama is probably done…why…would you want to lead sheep to slaughter by their own creation.? Would you defend people who still cry foul when they have the majority?

America, let me be frank…the world is questioning your metal, your strength, your will. They didn’t give him the Peace Prize…they gave it to us…hoping we would finally under a president that not only appears to be intelligent but benevolent, act right, do right, and above all stand up to the right. Show your might, show your anger, not your defeated slouched shoulders.

This is the time for independents and democrats who for what ever reason voted for change to “force” the change. Hell as he said we are the change we have been waiting for…we are also the change the rest of the world has been expecting, needing, and soon will be demanding.

Maybe we need to fight Fox News…they are not real news. Maybe we need to steal the Conservative’s playbook. Maybe we need to march in the streets…and invite every left leaning cameraman there with Olberman, Matthews, and Maddow. Tell them we are mad as hell and we are not going to take this shit sitting down crying like pussies!

Obama is just one man, taking hits from everyone and everywhere…STAND THE FUCK UP AND LETS TAKE SOME HITS FOR HIM…FOR US!

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