Monday, November 30, 2009

I Wonder...Are We Evolving?

See for me…I’m not a great thinker, I’m more like a guy that just wants things to be better…in the WORLD. It doesn’t take a thinker to see we have problems that have been fundamentally ignored.

So here I am watching The Day The Earth Stood Still and a question came in my head…

Why are we waiting for a crisis to change?

You see in the movie a scientist begged for humanity to be saved. He used the premise that we shouldn’t have our chance to change after a being on the precipice of total destruction taken from us. I wonder… are we evolved enough to avoid a crisis, considering we create so many of them.

Questions should be asked to solve a problem…

How can we have such a capacity for creating a crisis, yet cant have the same balanced effort for avoiding one?

The better question is do we have the ability to define what change or what type of change is?

Can we sit around and actually say I’m alright, so why should I help you?

Are we going to wait until something apocalyptic occurs for us to see its actually US?

I constantly read and hear about the fear of global dominance, yet nothing about global agendas. Cant we come together to see that we all “got it good”?

But there is a point that never gets its proper spotlight…change.

We cant afford our stagnant ways if we want progress, change is inevitable.

It happens without us…that is where crisis occurs, when we refuse to accept change.

There have been so many ineffective steps taken to address problems, but when seen as a failure, we don’t want change…we seek extreme.

We seek all or nothing, yet ignore the devil in the details. Evolution is in its most concentrated form is nuanced change, it doesn’t happen overnight.

It involves a slow process of thought and study, it is deliberate yet so very slow. But now because we are so against change, we have to resort to crisis management…the all or nothing.

We had better start analyzing our problems…they are many.

We had better rise above the petty and childish back and forth or crisis will be unmanageable.

We had better start taking advantage of our first chances…second might not be as easy.

We had better become humane…real soon…humanity is counting on us.

The Earth will not stand still, just because we have.

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