Monday, March 30, 2009

Its a Man's World...At this pace that will be all that is left

I know this is long, there has been a lot of bad I have seen in the past few weeks. There have been young ladies that I have heard speak in a way that if you were to close your eyes you would swear that it was that no good man at the club that uses a date rape drug to get his sex. And then I see on the New York Times bestsellers lists Steve Harvey’s Act Like a Woman, Think Like a Man. WTF? How this is becoming our societies cancer is so evident…MEN… ITS US WE HAVE BECOME THE HO, THE SLUT, THE WHORE, THE WALKING FUCK TOY!

Imagine a world…without women…it’s easy to see because we as men are trying. Emotions can easily change the chemical make-up of how childbirth happens. Some of us know, that we men dictate the gender of the sex of a child. Knowing that it is possible that we men have been so driven on the conquering of the “Pussy World” that we have become like sexual locust, sucking the love of our women dry.

I say this as an extreme look at what men (fellas, I use “men” loosely) are working so hard to satisfy our sexual libidinous egos. Where are the boundaries? Where is the end game? How did the extreme become the norm?

Bust down vs. Wifey Material…the definition. Amazing how many words are synonymous with the word bust down…

bustdown 1 sound slut hoe trick bitch ho tramp whore bussa skeezer skank runner prostitute train easy chickenhead bust down bobblehead used ugly jumpoff bobble head blockhead std skeeze skeez hooker hoodrat head harlot freak dip creeper cock wiggler busty buster busta bust bussdown bd
Above is the lexicon that we as men use far too damn much. I have always enjoyed how many words there can be for something negative.

Wifey Material-
A phrase often used to describe a girl whom you feel possesses certain qualities that qualify her to be a model wife for you. 1) Kind 2) Sweet 3) Caring 4) Compassionate
This is the lexicon than we need to learn as well as get our focus on. Only thing far more noticeable is how this phrase has only a definition, i.e. truth.
So with all that said, MEN act as if! We have a responsibility to save our women from us. If another man does a woman wrong, let’s step up and show her that is a moment, not her life or her future. She is not a “bustdown” she is a woman that played a game she should never have entered.
She is not a slut, she is a S.L.U.T.S. © By the way this is copy written, just so you know.


Love by




We owe them better than that; these are our mothers, sisters, aunts, and daughters. Don’t damn them for making bad mistakes, especially when we know pain was behind it…that and a predatory man. We can’t fall behind the excuse; “you can’t make a hoe a housewife”… she was made that way because we were not acting like a husband. If you know you are with a woman who has pain, you know sometimes better than she will, don’t add to it subtract from it. Why is it so needed to fuck every one that offers it just because your dick is hard? We know that women are not wired to be all about sex, but we use their insecurities to gain sex. We network to get pussy better than we do when looking for a job! We need to network to make things right, we can’t give our women their dignity, but damn DON’T TAKE IT AWAY!

We want the right kinds of women to make our partner…why are we damaging so many of them that we have more baby mama’s than we have wifey material in our world?


Friday, March 13, 2009

America may see Obama's face...What does the world see?

Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. What you see reflects your thinking. And your thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see. -
The quote at the bottom of the picture. From A course in miracles.

It is so interesting as to the blatant vitriol that has come out since Obama has been ELECTED president. It has worn the mask of a group of people that proclaim their patriotism, that is being placed in question due to one thing…his face.
You see his face is that of a black man, not biracial, not a descendant of a Kenyan, but that of a black man. To a small percentage of Americans, that is a horrible thing!
Actual quote from the patriots...

Hatred, is what brought this country to being.

Obama has opened that whole black issue again and set us back 50 years or more!

And Obama is not the President, it is Pelosi incognito!

Osama/Obama is the same, the only difference is the B and the S.

His wife is not proud of her country until her husband gets to be a presidential nominee!

Well, well. It is time to bring up something that has not been spoken…image.
Yes America, the world is looking at your image. You know the one that is post-racial, but lacks the racial sensitivity to know that a cartoon of a bullet-ridden monkey is inappropriate. The fact that you called a black man a terrorist, not just any terrorist, but the boogeyman of terrorist. The fact that our President's citizenship is being questioned, but the previous administration put America and its citizens on EBay to fund a war that was created on the foundation of fear and deception. There are a lot of countries that have questioned our moral high ground in the past, but now we are giving credence to the accusation.

I have fondly enjoyed the “America-love it or leave it” attitude that is the theme song playing in our country. But when it comes to wage increases for our "public-servants" in comparison to what the working class has received in the past 25 years is astonishing. No worries, Your government cares right? Senators and congressmen get increases as often as a MLB player get HGH.
We lack health care, a progressive educational system, and our infrastructure…let’s just say it SUCKS! But America has played partisan politics and attacked countries that couldn’t pull off 9/11 if they had Timothy McVeigh as the mastermind.

And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse…the economy went to crap. The banks are getting bailed out and we are taking the blame as well as picking up the tab. That’s right it is Americans fault…we got loans from banks by deception, right? I find this relatively amusing...
Don’t worry we can do whatever we want…we are America! We can owe other countries billions, they will get the money when we get it. They will never call in the markers. Our image is great…we won WW2 remember…resting on your laurels much?

Well as our government plays footsie with our economic future, a subset of White America is having a damn fit over a “black man” being president, its like a child being told it may have been the first born but its no longer the favorite. Well you know what that means...CLEAN UP IN AMERICA! The big baby is getting louder and louder...but the world is watching our fits! Makes the "democracy" stance we try to project look like a hypocrisy stance. Know this...the smart part America is not the only group fearing an assassination attempt...the world is watching our next move.
Lets not forget playing war with our soldiers as if it’s a video game. I wonder how long will it be before some other country decide to play along and becomes Joshua the next time we want to play the “global police”.

I know that Ron Paul is sometimes suspect but, what he says is correct....America needs to move out of its empirical stance and leave other countries alone. In the end, America looks like occupational bullies to the rest of the world…we've become Russia with a better propaganda machine. Taking this "Big Brother" stance on the world stage is not working and partisan, class, or racial blame is not a solution.

As for me…I'm Ice-T at the end of New Jack City…As for America...oh well...the world is watching…I would love to know what they see.

My Take On The Obama Experience

I remember for a long period of time where I constantly asked the question…exactly, what did Martin Luther King do? I remember how it was always said he and the Civil Rights Act go hand in hand. But I always questioned the country, our country, that needed an act to uphold the law. So the law is in the books? Racial discrimination is in the books? So the question is why did we ever need an act? We didn’t, so MLK is not as important as we thought he was. Then there are the community organizations he worked with. There are the many people whom had had enough of the racism, not of race. He represented something, the possibilities.

You know what I mean, the moment the dream is no longer the slogan, but the goal. Where in 2004, a keynote address gave America a alarm call, I believe someone can back me when I say right after that I made a couple of phone calls and said “you just saw the next president”. That’s right, “the next president”, he wanted an America that has said one thing, but history clearly follows another. Oh the possibilities, an America that does not exist under the “minority of me”, but the majority of U.S. All.

When he(you know whom I speak of…”that one”) started on his campaign to become Senator, Obama was seen as a cash cow for several candidates outside of his state, as well as his race. Oh the possibilities, he won and assisted others walk into new positions.
For me, I was not sold on the man with big dreams, but lofty words. I guess you can say im never one to be inspired by rhetoric, but by acts. So let me be honest…I was not on the first stop of the “Obama train”. I was skeptical, resistant, and above all just damn tired of hearing people saying one thing while doing something else behind the scenes.
Well he kicked my candidate’s butt right out of the primary, I was still skeptical. Then, the hate begun. Hope may have been his slogan, but America did what it does best, it became a hater. Hope has no place in this country, unless you are amongst the oppressed.
I saw friends turn on each other, arguments start based on speculation that had nothing to do with the election. He is NOT experienced…his opponent is? I would imagine that unless at a debate if you are not introduced by the title of President, you are not experienced in running this country.
But guess what, he made people feel good. He symbolized hope to many, regardless of the esoteric definition that the word brought. Oh the possibilities, people had hope, the nation sought change. I remember having a discussion with someone who told me that the election was not over, his insular bubble popped on Nov. 4th. That’s when hate felt fear again…what will we do…we have a black president. Here is my suggestion…leave the country!
Its amazes me when I hear America say they are tired of hearing race, but out the other side of the neck say “we are afraid of what is going to happen now”. If you want race to go away, embrace the possibilities. That’s right the possibilities…imagine what could be!

Oh the possibilities, imagine that we brought education to the proper priority. Oh the possibilities, seeing that infrastructure is a top priority. Oh the possibilities, we can stop chasing a check and start chasing our dreams. Oh the possibilities, we can stop the dialogue of I will never understand, and start saying help me understand. Oh the possibilities, the two party line stops with the burning of oppressed American skin, by using a velvet rope to show us…we were NEVER us. Oh the possibilities, we can be we, for once.
In closing, does Obama represent a post-racial America? No he is just a representative of…the possibilities.