Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bullet Wound With A Band-Aid Part 4: History Revised

I have been confused about something since I went back to school...Politics and how history is the complete opposite. It absolutely makes no sense. It’s so clear to me that each time I leave class I am more and more confused as to how we don’t see what is going on in our country. Why are we trying to disguise the past? Isn't that what is going on? I sure hope so. It’s the only way I can reconcile what I know versus what I am being told.

So I would imagine by now the question is...what’s the point? What is it you are confused about politics?

The truth is staring us in the face; it’s in every history book, every political science book, and every economics book you read in school.
We are in trouble!

Our "economic system" is a sham because at no point has labor ever been viewed or treated as nothing above a slave trade. How did that actually happen? How did we get this way?

Economics 101 says demand creates jobs but those on the right lionize the rich. How can a rich man give a job if no one wants what they are selling? How many Betamax manufacturing facilities have you seen in the last twenty years? Look at today...The workers of America and the world has been duped in believing a dream that we NEVER had a chance to live. Not only has the dream never been real, the reality is that we as a country has never acknowledged the fact that we are a labor country. That’s right a labor country that the populous is nearly 90 percent labor. You can make an opinion as to whether or not its good or bad, that’s our reality.

Labor is not the backbone of this country, it’s the backbone of the world.

In the beginning of our country we had a two party system.


 It was the Federalists vs. the Anti-Federalists. Now for those that aren't aware of this it’s basically two sides of one coin. One group (Anti-federalist) wanting states (Congress) and local government to have power, versus the other group (Federalist) wanted a strong central government. But it’s the economical point of view that makes the description a fraud.

Anti-federalist were artisans (manual labor) small farm owners, small business owners. The Federalist was bankers, merchants, manufacturers, and some other wealthy men. The constitution was designed to keep monarchies and the elite from controlling the government and the people. Then Washington selects the face of the Federalist as the Secretary Of the Treasury. We have always been represented by the same group of people. Pro-ownership businessmen telling us what is in the rest of us...the workers...what is in our best interest.  By the time we get representation, we have a slick, polished politician that is only good for elections, never representing us.

Look at every single presidential appointment for positions of economic policy, every one of them were rich men that couldn’t tell you the cost of a gallon of milk. Were there ever an American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

Not one effective worker has ever been enlisted to represent us. Did we enjoy the Citizens United decision? Were you not entertained? How about the fact that the unions in Wisconsin has to fight for its own existence? No one has ever pointed out why this attack on unions has happened…again! The powers that be are not interested in getting rid of the Democrats. They want to be the only way both sides can get elected. Ever notice the similarities in our candidates. You would look the same too if the path to get there is paved with the same people’s gold. The rich are preparing to be the only game in town. When our elections are dictated by money, the rich don’t want or need competition. If they can completely OWN the left, get prepared for more Obama-like representation. He looks like he is one of us, until it’s time to represent us. At one point you were told you had representation and were lied to. Now the truth is beating us into a level of feudalism that has existed since the Constitution was written. Only difference is there has been a beautiful sales pitch that would make Mark Hanna proud.

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company...Google it...enjoy.

We the people are told that we are the problem; we make too much money, while simultaneously told that big government is the problem.

How do two lies occupy the same space and no one says…WTF! Then why does the government help the rich, while selling the rest of us a "bootstrap philosophy". The one issue that is missing is the bootstraps are now missing because our boots, pants, shirts off our backs, and our ability to exist are being taken.

You ask how did I come up with the idea of we are the problem slant?

Easy, NEVER in our history has the common man enjoyed the privilege of the rich. Unions are condemned because its people coming together for representative power are bad for the country. But a corporation that enjoys laws that protects management, its stockholders, and it’s almost impossible for any of them to be jailed no matter the crime. See the hypocrisy? See the blatant assistance from the government made of the people, by the people, that are NOT for the people?

The history of unions is littered with judges, congressmen, and presidents doing everything in their power to disable the power of unions. If that doesn't work, violence is not off the table. In the late 1800's unions were subjected to heinous obstacles.
Imagine that you make a car with a flaw that can be fatal, but because the profits are greater than the fines or even punitive damages, you make that car. Profits make companies turn a blind eye and keep moving forward.

Now, many have used the argument that small businesses are being harmed by regulations, unions, and taxes. What a crock of...

Let's say that you have a business and it lasts for about 15 years. At best, you hope for half of those years to be successful. The rest you hope to at least break even. But is that the reality? Can you be a Gates or a Buffett? The likelihood of that happening is slim. There aren't many laws to help the small businessman. Did you get a bailout? There are very few tax laws that can assist as well. But, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, and even the chocolate power Milton Hershey went bankrupt. Their names and company are still around.

Now by now you are thinking...another left wing, hippie, and anti-business pinko. Actually, I’m a former small business man that made a profit every year. I just got tired of doing it and didn't want to hire others that could harm my reputation. What I am simply saying is that we the people never had a chance. The rich wrote our laws in the beginning and they continue to do them to this very day.

I don't want to be a socialist or a communist. I don't agree with Social Security, Medicare, Universal health care, or big government. My issue is that big government has only gotten bigger to pacify its people, assist the rich and powerful, and maintain the power it has assumed throughout the years.

I’ll even state here that we as a country should have never needed Unions. But if the rich has the ability to make unions, why can’t the people? The only issue with that is the deck is still stacked against the common man. We need to stop attacking the rich. They did what they were supposed to do. We need to stop our government NEVER being in our interest.

All I am trying to say is that we have a system that owns U.S. It’s not our government I'm talking about. When will we refuse slavery?

Part 5 is my way of breaking the chains…