Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Im Just Going To Say It!

We have very serious problems in our society. Please, take note, I said ours. Not yours, but Us. Us, not the U.S. I said us. We have issues that are results of problems that we just cant deal with or confront. Why? Because we have far too many people participating...but they don't contribute.

Yup! I'm talking about you...the devil's advocate. The Devil does NOT need an advocate! We get it you are are NOT proving it! When someone is getting to a point that brings progress, but you decide that today you are going to express your discontent with something that brings NOTHING to the table. You come to the table talking about Steak and we are discussing fish! WTF! We don't need to address your temper tantrum because you didn't get us to see your pain. Call Oprah! Critical thinking is NOT conflict deflection, NOT conflict suppression, its apart of conflict resolution. You think its not that why should we take you seriously? As I heard many times as a child...shut up...grown-ups are speaking. But no you just keep it up...being, in your own twisted logic, cute. You don't have answers, don't create more questions that doesn't address the issue.

Quit imprinting, quit passive-aggressive taunting, and last but not least...quit being cute. You aren't. You are just another piece of division on the internet and beyond.

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