Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Darkside...Choices of Good vs. Evil

LOVE this before and after picture. It illustrates exactly how fragile innocence is, how very quickly it can be taken away.

We are all born with a fundamental level of benevolence and malevolence. Inside us all lives a moment to moment choice of good and evil. For many, the darkness can easily take the forefront with very little inspiration. It’s one of the reasons that I blog, it’s a must for me to learn a non-violent method of interacting with those that approach me in a hostile manner. How I get there may be irrelevant, but I must achieve that discipline. I need to mature. My future depends on it.

There are so many of us that falls prey to the darkness. Not so much that it is what has become the majority of our spiritual essence, but what has become our cultural majority.

Devil’s advocates, naysayers, and those that rise from our spiritual falls are tallying victims faster than we can save them. Yes, I said save them. I find it tragic that we ignore or falsely judge “weak people”. We look for them just to say “hey look over here, they couldn’t take it”! Breaking someone’s spirit has become our favorite past time.

Many can take a “punch”, not certain how many "punches" a person can take. Not even sure what can break someone. If you witnessed someone break or fall from a spiritual death blow, can we say for certain how many “blows” someone took before they fell?

You see, we are all having different experiences. So would it be accurate to say that some can take a “right cross”, but fall to a “left hook”? Some can withstand a hard “power punch”, but give in to a combination of blows.

It’s not so simple, is it? There just isn’t a human template that we can apply to each other. How we treat each another must become more micro, less macro. Shouldn’t we allow some compassion and empathy when dealing with our fellow man and woman?

My answer is easy…OF COURSE!

That’s the biggest reason I hold dear to the left side of the picture I used. For me, a child-like vision isn’t naïve, but humane. I start with the strong and unbreakable belief in man and I believe in it more than I do a God! For me, it’s very simple…

Humans with proper “guidance” are capable of great and wonderful accomplishments. I used "guidance" for a reason; allow me to explain in my own context. Every man, woman, and child with support, information, and education (there is a big difference) can learn to use benevolence and intellect as their emotional and mental filters.

I believe, in fact I know, that we are capable of seeing the world as it truly is and work together to make it better. It’s all about whether or not we can choose to let go of our ego and comfortable perceptions. If our desire is to further the human cause, while ignoring our desire to control the narrative, we won’t need a leader…we will all be leaders.

Naive? Maybe? Possible? Wont know until we try.

The GOP's New Pledge

I pledge allegiance to this flag...

Of the United States of Corporate America...

And to the republic, that we idiotically believe the country to be...

One nation, with room for only one God...

Completely divided...

With liberty and justice for only the RICH.

God Bless America...and no one else.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Smells Like Team Spirit
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Monday said times were still tough for many Americans, as he defended his policies during aggressive questioning after the worst U.S. recession since the 1930s was declared over.

As audience members at a townhall-style meeting voiced exasperation and disappointment at his administration, and one woman said she was "exhausted" from defending him, Obama stressed he understood that people were frustrated.

So, We The People are exhausted from defending him? This is why I cant be president...SOME PEOPLE JUST DONT GET IT. Defending Obama? Thats some arrogant shit!
So here is what I think of it.

So lets get this correct, YOU are tired of defending me? Really, defending me are you?

When did I need you to defend me? I don't need you to defend me I need your support in voting. I need your support in making sure I have a super majority. You know what that is right? 60 democrats! Not 54 democrats and six bastards that works against you! I know you are disappointed in me, I'm disappointed in what we have not done in comparison to what I wanted to as well. But you are defending me? Really, defending what? The racist comments? I'm President, I don't need defending about my race. Are you defending that I'm a socialist?

I have done more for Wall Street than I have Main Street, so I'm not concerned about that idiotic label. Marxist, Hitler, or maybe I'm the monkey in the cartoon the media put out?

Sticks and stones lady!

Now if you want to get real for a minute, you aren't defending me. you are defending your vote. you are defending your choice. Not me, you would be defending all the sexist comments if Hillary won. Will you be exhausted if she is President and the Republicans are telling you that her shrilling voice is killing them? Or that they are afraid that she scares people because once a month she could kill us all? Its not about me, its about the Democratic Party being in power. Just not enough power. You are letting the haters to get to you. I see the haters and I welcome the hate! That means I'm doing something they don't like. Cant you see a small difference? No? Then vote for the guys that put ALL OF US IN THE SHIT I'M CLEANING!

Now if you want to criticize me, please go ahead, I can take it.

I told you change was hard and it takes time. you are bailing on me after two years? But you can hold on to a group that screwed you for years?! C'mon the last president sent you to two wars without finding Osama. Do you know how much that shit cost the country even before I got into office. Your health care companies can raise your costs every year for over a decade but you stay. Your job can offer you a 1 to 2 percent raise, while cost of living is skyrocketing for decades, but I'm exhausting you?

Maybe you need to ask yourself am I, a critical thinker, arguing with critics that don't care what I say or do? That's why you are exhausted! Arguing politics will take your eyes off the prize of policy. The right has nothing, I am saying...NOTHING TO OFFER YOU!
Social Security privatized, Medicare will be exhausted alright!

So give me a damn break, this ain't about me needing defending. You just cant handle hearing that you may have made a bad choice. They are pissing you off and you cant see that they are just fucking with you because they are not in power. They are PISSED! You really want to piss them off...make more of the right go home. Send the Tea Party back to the Koch Bros.

You didn't bet on the wrong horse, so don't go asking for your money before the race is over! You want out of the game, the right will play your ass! So, quit defending me, take your ass out and get me a SUPER MAJORITY!


If I fail...then kick my ass out. But don't ask for the "Magic Negro" to pull 60 out his ass.

See...I can defend myself.

Now go, vote, fight for yourself!

Karl Rove

Karl Rove…for most of you that don’t know is one of the people that I like. I know what you are thinking, WTF! How can you like him?! He is so bad! He is a rich man that has a manipulative mind. As a political junkie, I have to like that. He is a political hack! He does whatever it takes to win. What the right did to him in the 2006 mid-terms is still a moment where I just say “don’t hate the player, you got gamed.” But he took his lumps and left with Bush.

But now he isn’t happy, his masters aren’t happy. It’s now a narrative that is too loud, too polarizing, and not appealing. The theatre of politics has brought attention to the understudies, not the stars. At least not the stars the rich groomed, paid for, or endorsed. These are people that just aren’t “ready for prime-time”.

When you tell Karl Rove to shut-up and he does, there is a big problem. The rich are watching. They are NOT happy. This is unpredictable, volatile, and that is scary to the rich and powerful.

Pushing the fringe to the fore-front is toxic and counter-productive to the Republican cause. It makes them look like crazed, xenophobic, religiously pious, and ignorant. That is NOT the Republican way or what is a politician. They are intelligent, articulate, and greedy! Yes I said greedy! They are here to seize power for their own financial gains and further the agenda. The agenda is not to exclude people “for real”, its just political speak to get the fringe out to vote.

Imagine Karl Rove’s horror that the fringe is working against him now. The snake has shattered the glass case and is now injecting venom into the Republican Party. That has to be the worse possible scenario for them. The “angry white people” are making the most impossible possibility come to life…loss of further power.

The tea party cause is giving the Republican Party a nightmare situation. They are not playing the game. They are trying to be the game. I cant help but ask when the left is holding their hand against their forehead about the South Carolina Senate candidate Alvin Green, is the right now in the bathroom; “worshipping the porcelain god” about Angle, Miller, and O’Donnell.

I can see the “establishment” talking about what in the world is going on. The “sheeple” are trying to be the Shepard! For now, they will play along. Just wait until the reality check comes in…the money will come out to speak! The fringe is irrelevant to them. Just people that are suppose to do what they are told! They keep looking at the “you aren’t the boss of me” crowd and waiting to see how this plays out. If they (the fringe) don’t dance to the beat of their (the rich) drum, their music will die. Then they will return you back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Monday, September 13, 2010

From Hate...A Celebration Was Born

This is for Freddie Mercury...and beyond...

I have held on to this entry for over a year...ok many years. I just could not understand why it was needed to be written.

I cant imagine what it would be like to have family, government, religion, and "loving" people show scorn and dissent just based on who I love...its just painfully unimaginable.

Just imagine being told that "I love the sinner but not the sin"..."because the bible told me so". I'm so sorry YOU "chose" to sin and you are going to hell. Imagine the majority of the world...your co-workers...even the people that work for you saying that you cant show "your" kind of love in front of them.

Imagine the country you love...saying that you can die for your country but we might kill you if you "choose" "that kind of lifestyle." WTF! DADT? How about let it be...

Well it would seem that in a country that espouses freedom, will also make laws to take freedoms away from just one group.

I never thought that I could live in a country that is called the "land of the free", but say we only mean the straight people.

Well, let me actually get to another point that has always confused me...the anger over gay pride parades. You don't like "those" people flaunting in front of you? Ask why it exist...


How can you not see why?

You cant push a group of people down and away, without any logical or viable reason and not see a HUGE backlash! In the closet? No! You want them in the grave! Stonewall was just the catalyst!

But that wasn't blamed them for HIV! Its the gays that killed my family member! Really, it wasn't Red Cross that didn't spend the money to do testing? Wasn't it the government that turned their back on the world as a whole...just as long the "queers" were dying? Really?????

You banished a group...they were your family, your fellow church members, countrymen and women, some were your bosses! They paid their taxes, served their country, and believed in love.

But noooooooooooooooooooooooo! That's just not good enough for us!

So you wouldn't you have a riot, wouldn't you have a parade, have a movement? We still ask why are they out doing that?

You don't know? cant get married to who you love...because blonde's and redheads can do that. See the problem? No? Ok, if you let us know that you have married a redhead, it wont be acknowledged, you can come to work and say that you married a redhead...if you do some how the culture will change...and eventually you will either get fired or quit under the stress. Still don't know why? OK, if you haven't caught on yet, we will KILL YOU!

See how dangerous, how morally unjust an existence that is?

Death is an option! Just based on who you love!

Being who you want to be can merit death!

They have "God" sanctioning your death...YES! "THE LORD MADE THEM DO IT!"

Would you have a parade? Would you start a movement? Would you say...

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! (Sorry, I love Streisand/Summer)

Of course, you have a HUGE target on your life...

The tragedy is...

All because you chose love over hate...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

OMG Its 100!

Most of you don't know that on Wednesday, August 10, 2005 I started on my blogging path.

This one is my 100th post...

I didn't want comments when I first started...I didn't even want to be known. I did it just to get my thoughts out.

Well, have times changed, I changed with them. I have friends online that are as expansive as I could have never dreamed. Progressives, gays, cross-dressers, blacks, Puerto Ricans, conservatives, white, male, female, Muslims, Christians, Quaker, intellects, emotional, Agnostics, atheists, friends from my past, lovers, authors, sports fans, people from other countries, and even people from my city.

I have learned a lot since I started this, I have been true to myself, some days I have been a hypocrite. I just hope that my next 100 posts enlightens me as much as the first did...

I am leaving here my first was like a mission statement for me blogging.

Before I do I would like to thank all that have challenged, insulted, supported, disagreed, argued, demeaned, inspired, and above all followed me...even when sometimes...I didn't know where I was headed.

One reason we are...

Hello To You

Whomever you are at this time.

I decided to write this in an effort to create flow. Flow for many is one thing or another, in this case flow is balance. Balance can not be achieved without some type of truth. Without it factors in an equation can not come to an end. There will always be unbalance due to factors not divulged. As a matter of fact, a flowchart without all factors being considered will never end.

What I have stated is what is wrong with us. Our words do not match our conscience, nor do they match our acts. So, in turn we are where we are now. We are visual shells of our selves. All because of our symptoms of fear (one of which is deception or lies) our families are dysfunctional. Our marriages end in divorce. Our friends are not trustworthy.

Our government is corrupt.

All of these things, and many other I did not name, have diluted our way of life. For those dilutions we are not living. We are playing keep away. To keep my pseudo-spirit I must keep my feelings away from you. I must keep my thoughts from you. And most of all, I must keep my guard up. If these things are not done, you will see my flaws. You will judge me. You will betray me. If you won’t do that, will you lift me up? Will you reach out to me as my brother or my sister?

Flaws are normal. Or should I say human? We are becoming what we fear. We are becoming our flaws. Instead of confronting them, we are trying to hide them. Praying that no one will see them, we judge people in the hopes that will make us feel better.

So if this will come to any positive conclusion, I need to say this. I’m a liar. I’m not everything I should be. I am not truthful with the people I love. I play keep away with them.

Why? You will judge me. You will tear me down. I need your help, your advice, and your spirit. But, will you think that I will not listen? Judge you; tear you down just to make you feel better. That is the question that we fight with everyday. Why do we fight?

Can I help you? Maybe with some things I can. Can you help me? Maybe with some things you can.

But will we stop fighting and start trying.

If I Were A Muslim

Many people I know, very intelligent people have given their commentary pertaining to the activity of the Muslim people. A lot of it has been quite...arrogant. Do this...Do that...Don't do this...Don't do that. So I decided to write my own...

If I were a Muslim, I wouldn't need anyone to tell me whats wrong with my religion.
If I were a Muslim, I would want to know how 19 people created a two country war.
If I were a Muslim, I would ask how a rich man, mad at military forces in his country caused most of the world to attack me?
If I were a Muslim, I would ask why you have an opinion? Have you examined your own? Are you so far advanced and perfected your own faith...your own religion?
If I were a Muslim, I would ask are you qualified to criticize?
If I were a Muslim, I would ask have you walked in my shoes or are you just damning my path?
If I were a Muslim, I would want you to stop invading and interfering in my countries and life.
If I were a Muslim, I would want to know how you can see maybe 10, 000 people and call 1.5 billion terrorists?
If I were a Muslim, I would ask why its up to me to "refudiate" our bad apples, when your bad apples are some of YOUR leaders?
If I were a Muslim, I would find it odd that you think that I haven't condemn the acts of radical anything.
If I were a Muslim, I would want people to ask how many of our women and children must die for profit, for control, and for power.
If I were a Muslim, I would look at Tim McVeigh, and wonder why he isn't a Christian?
If I were a Muslim, I would look at Native Americans, Blacks, and American women; you might want to be careful at throwing insult rocks with such a thin glass house.
If I were a Muslim, I would want you to know that I'm just like you...just a person.

Friday, September 10, 2010

This is for the Youth of the World


There is one thing I have to say about "Change". It happens with or without us.
That being true, we have had in the last presidential election, a change candidate. He inspired the youth to take note of the world around them and get involved. With Obama becoming president change happened, whether you liked it or agreed it opened the possibility of someone that you believed in could be the leader of the country that represented change.

I just wonder now, has that gate started to close?

Has the youth of world, white, black, or brown looked at the elders and just walked away. Jaded, cynical, and partially hopeless, have they surrendered to the saying...
"It is what it is."

Has the right shown them that fear and hate can trump hope and love any day? Has the left taught them that microwaved politics is the wave of the future and if we don't get what we want when we want...we don't want anymore. No more of if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Well, youth of the world, I'm going to give you a dose of very tough love...

Your predecessors have failed know it, they know it. Their beliefs and fixed stances have trapped them in a cultural, political, and psychological "hamster wheel".
They cant help you anymore...they are either too rigid or too broken.

Its up to you, the present only hope, force adaptation to change before its too late. Don't trust the current demographics of adults to improve anything...the mortgage, the 401k, doctor bills, fear of anything that isn't like them has taken over the narrative.
We need you to start a new narrative, we need you to put each other first. Look at our mistakes and keep them in your mind...don't ignore them...don't allow history to create nostalgia...or you will repeat them.

Don't get bogged down with winning, look to be right, there is a big difference. Don't follow us, take the lead. Don't seek a leader, be the cause!  Contact each other across this globe and unite! Don't cause wars, don't even fight, defend the love of man.  Don't give up, don't ever give up. Don't give in, don't ever give in. That is what we did. Look around, we failed, because anytime change came to our doorstep...we closed the door.

We put hope in a microwave and watched it implode. We gave in to the darkness, please be the light. We put profits before people, don't EVER put a price tag on a man.
Work with each other, for each other. The world offers a BIG pie for you all, share it with one another...we have fought to hoard it for ourselves for so long that only a select few has anything to eat.

I hope that you take what I have said and believe are truly our last hope.
Your predecessor's cup is far too full to have anything fit in it...I hope yours can be open to a new offering...a new world.