Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Sword Of Blogging Part 1/3

The sword always cuts both ways, lets look at the side that is not as sharp. While I love blogging, all aspects of the process, I admit as everything, it too has a dark side. The dull side of blogging is how hard it is to find good and accurate information. So lets have a moment of truth, most blogs lack original information.

Its nothing more than someone either agreeing with a news reporters work or we just cant wait to give commentary on how we disagree with someone else.

There are so many rats with agendas to deter or misinform the blind mice. Most of us are just walking into walls, with such a hard time to seek the truth, that after awhile most of us just give in to the madness. We have become faithful patrons of the internet religion. Not asking how do I find the truth, but many become spectators of the mass media’s agenda.

We have become a majority of reactors to the “truth” instead of becoming proactive to seek it. Carriers of a disease that we injected ourselves with. Why? Are we lazy? Are we so apathetic that its not truly important to find the truth, but instead to speak someone else’s? Is it a matter of trust? Do we believe the hype because, its something we like hearing?

I read a lot of people’s “truth, often I see more intent in the undercurrent of their words than I do the thesis of their writing. Am I some sort of a psychic? No. But the better question is why do we speak with such a fear of unfiltered honesty? Is it the truth will damage our comfort zone? Or is it far more sinister? Can we talk to each other from a humanistic stance or have we truly lost what separates us from the animals we cage up in the zoo?

I think the sinister perception needs more light drawn to it. We need more light, period.

Imagine if we could have transparency, not the Obama transparency. Please leave Obama out of this (I know the word transparency is like blood to a shark these days). Human transparency, that where we drop some of the walls, i.e. fears, where could we go? What could we accomplish?

Part 2 coming soon…

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Tone MUST Change! Part 2

I wrote a blog earlier pertaining to “tone”. Tone for me is a multitude of meanings, but the one I like best is how what a man speaks makes a man think. Now the man that speaks is not the same man that thinks, it’s a conveyance of thought. Its intent is very deliberate, yet almost innocuous in its delivery.

So lets look at the first “tone”…Bank “failure”. The banks over a year ago was bailed out because according to our President and the presidential candidates, both Democrat and Republican, it was a great necessity. Now while the short debate was going on, the focus was on the “bailout”. Very few people, myself included, did not look at how the tone was set…

It was an apocalyptical moment that we had no time to waste, it was an emergency. So catastrophic that it would make 9/11 look like Disney! But hey, we needed to do the “bailout”? Right?

I just wonder had they not set the tone, I.e. “bailout”, would we have paid attention to “failure”. The banks “failed”. Now mind you as they failed the CEO’s were coming to our Government with tailored suits and corporate jets. Asking for money…OUR money.

All because they “failed”, would they have the money, or would they have the money in the fashion to which they got it…expediently as well as plentiful had our focus been on “failure”?

I mean would rich men, that became rich by bonuses and salaries, be given money because they “failed”? How can you call it “failure” if the people showed up rich as hell? Let’s be honest, they were ultra rich! But they “failed”? Imagine if the media that we all know are liberal peasants released the news saying that it was a failure that bordered on the auspices of illegal activity.

They took advantage of the American people, sold them dishonesty and profited from it. So here they are, “failures”, with being entrusted with the people’s money. But here is what we did…

We gave most of them more money than they lost. Bank Of America received 40 billion, but claimed that they are worth 21 billion. Imagine the beauty of “tone”, the skill of the monetary jedi-mind trick. Please we are coming to you, not dressed in barrels and suspenders, but with tailored suits and mani-pedis.

Now here is the juxtaposition…you as a young child lose ten dollars of your mothers money. But you show up looking better than when you left. You are in a better station in life…exactly which morgue are you planning to have your funeral after you tell her.

But hey because of tone we argued about “bailouts”. It was sexy, it was relevant to us, we wanted one as well.

Just know this as long as they(take your pick as to who “they” are) set the tone…they can loan you money…with the money you gave them because they “failed”.



Next Diebold…tone?