Monday, October 13, 2008


Maybe im losing my shit here…either we don’t get it or we just don’t care.

There is a reason I wrote this…a lot of people feel the same way! I think we have lost sight of the purpose of why and how and gotten on the path of whom.
We have become victims of the “cult of personality”. I don’t care who gets me universal health care, a good and accessible education, and living wage, not a minimum wage, world peace through diplomacy, and above all equality! What I do care about is how we do it. Can we effectively create these things where someone does not gain by another group’s loss? Also can we listen to the loud decay of the presents past still in our future and learn from it?
When did abortion, creationism, family values, or anything culturally founded become political? We should be discussing things that can be for the good of all. God, unwanted pregnancy, and who is gay cant be so important that we lose sight of a 700 BILLION bailout that according to our government will save us. Hell if its to save us give us the money, either way its welfare. Abortion is a medical procedure. Until a Doctor can come out and prove that it is murder, move on. God is a faith-based belief, since He is not talking on the corner of Times Square; keep him where He asked to be, in your hearts and minds, not in your political agenda.

Ok…here it is. Success, power and money. That is what happens when the rich assemble in a room. That is what they think about. Race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and every other useless title that you can come up with happen when poor people assemble in a room. Hell I once saw a hair texture argument; yes I said a hair texture argument!
We have nothing so we argue about nothing; we speak in hidden agendas that are so driven by our ego that we can’t get a damn thing done. I won’t listen to her, she is a white woman, I won’t listen to him, we always have to listen to a white man, that brother doesn’t know what he is talking about he only graduated High school. Why should we listen to her, she an agnostic bi-sexual, and the bitch is black!

If a person is beating the shit out of you does it matter what gender, race, religion or whatever the hell they are. You want them to go to jail!

Check our egos. We identify way the fuck too much!

The state of the world is getting very dire, not apocalyptical, but enough to say this had better stop here.

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