Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dear Mr. President...Part 1

Dear Mr. President,

I have notice you have had a difficult time with reforming health care, might I interject a suggestion? Do it, just do it. Don’t fear the loss of seats in the House or the Senate. Don’t fear that without bi-partisan reform you may get ousted from office in 2012 or worst be called even more heinous names by the detractors.

I say don’t fear those things…fear that this is the only opportunity to ever get health care reform. You have a poker game where many are trying to bluff you. They are very aware that right now 7 of 10 Americans want the Single Payer Option. They know that you are playing with house money. You can’t lose unless you fold. If you place a bill on the floor, anyone that votes against it will not see another term of service. It will send the American people that message…the message that they don’t ever want anyone to have the same advantages that they have…Health Care.

That’s right health care, not universal health care, not single payer option, not a co-op, just health care. Eventually you will need to ask America’s representatives to represent the Americans, not the money they will receive by lies, fear tactics, or worse an imaginary death panel. Don’t ask for this, demand it. Allow America to decide who needs to be dealt with when they vote no.

Everyone who wants this has already seen the writing on the wall…No bill will be good enough for the conservative party…so exclude them and tell everyone why…they will never allow Family values to get in the way of profit. They will never allow the death of innocent Americans to get in the way of the donations to their campaign.

So just go for it, show America that you are…not a leader, not a Christian, not a liberal, not a socialist, not a Nazi…but human. This is a moral issue; show us your moral code. We will show you…our support and appreciation.

Because if you don’t…remember 7 out of 10. Your time as president will be cut by 4 years.

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