Monday, July 26, 2010

A Rough Road Back To Democracy

As I try to look at the many op-ed/blogs posted on politics each day there is always one that just makes me smile. This post(Of course im not speaking of my own) gives a great commentary of the nasty word that is our existence...Oligarchy.

But lets get to the point at hand...if its truly about rich and poor, how did the poor get so many participants?

Really, I am asking a genuine question. How or when did this country, this planet just morph into a state of oligarchical malaise?

While we, the little people, bicker and fight over how we look or disagree over semantics and who has the right idea; the rich have gotten their idea. And don't doubt for a moment that they are running with their plan, its well thought out and implemented long before we came to the conclusion that democracy has long past us by.

While we discuss skin tone, gender, age, or whether its cool or not to belittle and demean some one with a physical disability...the rich are getting richer.

Now of course many will say you are preaching to the choir. I say we are still out of tune and sync. We may not need to have one song to sing, but at least be in agreement with the song listing.

Are we so ego-driven that the tools the rich use everyday can give them more power while we happily hand it to them? Are we, readers of the many books that warned us of such a state, just blind to the fact that Orwell and his writings are being used today to keep us right where we don't want to be? Are we that blind, naive, or intellectually dishonest?

I hear about capitalism is good for you and me...really? Did you get a bailout by demanding it? I hear that climate control is a hoax...really? So breathing good clean air is a BAD thing? I hear how the poor are the bad people...really? Did the poor destroy your 401k? I actually once heard that I should thank god for the rich people that "gives" us jobs...really? God likes the past and present actions of the rich? I hear helping the poor is throwing good money after bad...really? I wonder how the poor would feel if they were to vote based on truth and not on skin tone, bra size, hair color, religion, or zero sum myths? Would the rich stay rich?

C'mon, as one of my mentors use to tell me, we are better than this. Aren't we?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My note to the left...

I remember the year, 1992. The soundtrack to the democratic party was "Don't Stop" from Fleetwood Mac. Then, we did the unspeakable, we stopped. We didn't think about tomorrow, today had us all pissed! The left was frustrated and suffering from buyers remorse, the right was pissed the fuck off! They were unsettled from the nasty, sinful, bastard the president was. So the right united, the left whined. The left became fractured, the right got hostile. Two years later the Contract on America began its assault on us. For me, the contract wasn't really so bad. I thought the left got what they had coming to them. They were disenfranchised and quit playing...yup I said playing.

Its a harsh reality that politics is a game, its also your life! It determines so many ways of our life. Whether you know it or like it...its our Alpha and Omega. Don't you want to be apart of it? Don't you want to get in the fight and take a punch or two. Then you can throw some punches!

I have heard all the criticisms and knocks on the current president, he has earned them. What he hasn't earned is to be a second term president with no ability to do anything you want. Sure he fucked the pooch on health care, but what would the alternative had done? Think about that as you say I'm not interested in voting, why should I vote, and my favorite is he let me down. He let you down? So its your turn right? The president ain't your significant other, he is a politician needs to be pushed into doing the right thing. During the election, he was the sure thing, now you cant even vote? The right is so upset, yet happy as hell that you are following your typical blueprint. For them its great that you are fighting, they love your anger. Why do you think they keep the misinformation going? They know when you get frustrated, you quit, take your ball and go home. Leave the president without balls and you will be fucked.

Keep thinking about tomorrow, because today the fight is now. Quit if you want...know that the fight goes on without will still feel the punches.

This Needs To Be Said

Andrew Breitbart has proven again that institutional racism is alive and well in America. His actions have proven, once again that black america need not to play the race card, they don't hold the deck of cards. They are not even involved in the game...spectators, at least in the point of the NAACP. Nope, I'm not calling out a racist, I'm saying this is a machine driven problem. Sure, Breitbart is a minion of the right. He might be a racist, but this is about the opportunity to bring harm to a group by making ONE person the new bogeyman. The system screwed Shirley Sherrod, on both sides. One attacked her and the other side let them have her, she was the sacrificial lamb.

How can you manipulate video and destroy ACORN, be found as a manipulator, but get enough credibility to discredit someone else? Now he has made a woman who had a great parable about racism and how we must rise above our prejudices into a racist. Also made her unemployed. I guess he is a great representation of what the right kill jobs...if you are a liberal.

But let's be honest, he will see no punishment. The MSM will not investigate to see that his assertion of racism was placed to facilitate an agenda. Did he have the full tape? Even if he didn't, in his eagerness to attack he lost sight of the fact that a person, not a cause, not a group. But in fact a person was demonized and excommunicated so unscrupulously that he announced after her termination, he stated the he did "a celebration in the end zone". He did that because he scored a smear job. A machine attacked a person and many have had the insensitivity to say her "problem" was brought on herself, "we have bigger fish to fry".

Really? When your ass is on the griddle, for no fault of your own, ask how big does the fish have to be for good people to stand up for you?

I watched this and knew, no matter what happens, the powers that be care not for us. It wont need to if we deny our ability and accept the indoctrination of being pawns. We are better than what just happened. If we are the change that we are looking for, we had better not allow this lynching to be just a precursor to the next one. We had better stick a foot so deep in the NAACP ass that they cant speak. The White House must do better than say sorry.

They reacted weakly, but the smear wasn't done by them...we must not allow, condone, or accept anything other than a true investigation of this. No one, whether it be a machine, company, or political party should be allowed to smear anyone they want.

Eric Holder...don't be a coward about race in this one. Find the cancer and remove it.

My Kid Brother...He never played fair!

Here is my brother,standing next to me, I love him to death. He was for many years my wing-man. When we were little he would never die!

Now allow me to explain...cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, and tag was not a fair fight with him. He would get shot, fall and get back up "I wasn't killed". I was furious. Shot with an arrow, fall, and move his mouth and get up..."I ate my spinach". WTF! He would get the family to laugh, while I was ready to body bag his ass. I would scream "YOU CHEATED!" My parents and family would say lighten up! Lighten up! You lighten up, that little motherfucker cheated! You saw it and just ignored it! How can it be ignored! He cheated, he would know the rules, change them to his advantage. That's some bull! How is it possible that I could live in an environment that allows someone to never play in the parameters of the rules.

Fast forward to present day...why am I asking that same question again? Now keep in mind my brother lives in Minnesota, I'm in Illinois. So I'm not discussing him, besides, he was younger than me and cute as a button. He meant no harm. Now, in the present time, harm is intended. Cheating, bullying, misinformation is the norm. Is it cute? Is it something to let slide?

Racial slurs, attacks, and cheating to an extreme that even I found to be tragic. But hey its just the way it is, right? We expect it to happen, right? Is that why one side plays fair then the other cheats, but doesn't get a strap to their ass? What about their fair-play? Nice guys don't get to finish last, they don't get invited to the race.

I have spent a very watchful eye in the past three years. Looking at how much more hostile this country has become. How much more divided we are...again. I remember all my friends, co-workers, and associates jumping for joy as America elected a black president. For me...I was saddened for what was to come. I knew everything that is going on now would occur. I knew there would be an uprising. I knew sides would be taken. I knew damn well I would have to do the same. But you see, I'm more of a conservative than the "conservatives" that I see. So for me this has been a stressed out period of time. I have had my friends slandered, had my latin friends betrayed, by the use of the law. Had friends that I know are struggling in this economy be called welfare kings and queens. Been told that my country isn't my own, I'm just allowed here and the "true patriots" want me and my kind gone.

So, in with this blog I'm announcing that there will be a cold day in hell before I vote for the "patriots" that are the right. I like to play according to the rules. You only want to win.