Saturday, July 24, 2010

This Needs To Be Said

Andrew Breitbart has proven again that institutional racism is alive and well in America. His actions have proven, once again that black america need not to play the race card, they don't hold the deck of cards. They are not even involved in the game...spectators, at least in the point of the NAACP. Nope, I'm not calling out a racist, I'm saying this is a machine driven problem. Sure, Breitbart is a minion of the right. He might be a racist, but this is about the opportunity to bring harm to a group by making ONE person the new bogeyman. The system screwed Shirley Sherrod, on both sides. One attacked her and the other side let them have her, she was the sacrificial lamb.

How can you manipulate video and destroy ACORN, be found as a manipulator, but get enough credibility to discredit someone else? Now he has made a woman who had a great parable about racism and how we must rise above our prejudices into a racist. Also made her unemployed. I guess he is a great representation of what the right kill jobs...if you are a liberal.

But let's be honest, he will see no punishment. The MSM will not investigate to see that his assertion of racism was placed to facilitate an agenda. Did he have the full tape? Even if he didn't, in his eagerness to attack he lost sight of the fact that a person, not a cause, not a group. But in fact a person was demonized and excommunicated so unscrupulously that he announced after her termination, he stated the he did "a celebration in the end zone". He did that because he scored a smear job. A machine attacked a person and many have had the insensitivity to say her "problem" was brought on herself, "we have bigger fish to fry".

Really? When your ass is on the griddle, for no fault of your own, ask how big does the fish have to be for good people to stand up for you?

I watched this and knew, no matter what happens, the powers that be care not for us. It wont need to if we deny our ability and accept the indoctrination of being pawns. We are better than what just happened. If we are the change that we are looking for, we had better not allow this lynching to be just a precursor to the next one. We had better stick a foot so deep in the NAACP ass that they cant speak. The White House must do better than say sorry.

They reacted weakly, but the smear wasn't done by them...we must not allow, condone, or accept anything other than a true investigation of this. No one, whether it be a machine, company, or political party should be allowed to smear anyone they want.

Eric Holder...don't be a coward about race in this one. Find the cancer and remove it.

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