Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Do We Fight...Us Vs. Them

First, I must ask…is there such a thing as a “them”? Does a Hindu bleed green? An Israeli breathes oxygen?

The differences start after humanity ends. So why do they matter? Why do we have a “them” in our lives? Live and let live. Is a Chinese man less of a man than one in Japan?

Is a North Korean better than one from the South? If a communist is happy with his life should a capitalist kill him because he is “better” than the “other”?

We have killed for so many reasons that it no longer makes sense. We have yet to stop fighting long enough to know why anymore. We just keep doing it. Do we know that we are doing it anymore? Has it become something else? Something euphemized? Something with a sense of duty that has removed the sting of death? Are we killing humans or terrorists? Are we attacking civilians or defending our freedom? Have we become so delusional that we aren’t losing our soul, but saving our lives? Is there a difference?

How did it get this tragic? We became something that leaves our very being shallow and incomplete. We moved so far from acceptance that we are now making “them” live in our “reality”. That is it isn’t it? It’s become our reality, our perception, our world? Damn those that can’t accept (embrace) it! They don’t want what we have to offer, and then they must need it. We will nationalize the area, introduce our laws, and impose them on all that are in our presence. How big is your presence? Is it a global strategy? Has our happiness become a zero-sum game? I was always under the impression that life is nothing to play with. Why has so many become players in a game that does not exist?

I ask all of these questions because I don’t have all the answers. I would be very cautious of anyone that says they do. But I would imagine that we can bring all of our questions to the table, and discuss them. Eventually, my hope is to defeat “them” by allowing them to the table.

Isn’t that a good start to stop an “us” vs. “them” and get back to “we”?

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