Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brothers and Sisters...UNITE!

I love having the people in my life that gives me the ability to be better.

There is a gentleman that, even though his name may say go-lightly, his words have weight.

I say if you want a new brother...head over to his page.


He doesn't want relationships. He wants family. Imagine the beauty of his desire. I would love to share in his desire, in his view.

We need to know that in our numbers bears strength. It doesn’t matter who you think you are, be it gay, black, straight, female, white, Latino, or poor shares the same need. I am saddened by our lack of unity. We need each other. There isn't any doubt in my mind that we must unite in order to fight the good fight.

Just imagine, family, the bond of blood. The bond of brother and sisterhood, the comfort in knowing I am my brother's and sister's keeper and vice-versa.

Isn't it time to have the inconvenience of the majority to no longer be the oppressor of the minority?

I just see one problem...

We already are family. We already have an innate connection. We already have the biological blood bond. We already are the things we seek for a connection. It’s our focus that takes us to the reasons we aren't connected. As if a straight man and a gay man isn't seeking love. As if a Christian, an atheist and a Muslim aren’t seeking a path to happiness and enlightenment.

That's the rub isn't it? We make a specific difference the distinction of separations. When there are so many similarities to our general paths.

Our focus needs to be on what matters. Happiness for all should always be the reason for our motivation. Not our motivation is the reason for us to part ways.
Opportunity is possible to be attained without taking it from someone else.

But if you are your brother's keeper, if you are beholden to a cause greater than yourself, can a specific characteristic take your eyes off the prize?

I think not...

Can't we be family?
Can't we be united?
Aren't we already?

I have brothers and sisters that I have never met in real life, but have gotten real life blessings from them.

So as a student of life...

Mr. Go-lightly, thank you for the reminder, can I be your brother?

Can we all be his brother and sister?

I think we should...we already are.

1 comment:

nothingpetty said...

Beautiful. I'm going to check out the link.