It’s early in the day, a day that regardless of who we are rooting for we will all be interested in… the speech. Not just any speech…the speech. It does not matter how it goes, know this, Hollywood could not write a better screenplay.
A Black man will speak as the first Black presidential candidate. It will have balance in extremes that has no equal…Black majority watching with euphoric and esoteric hope, White majority watching with skeptical and disconnected despondence.
As the chant of “Yes We Can” permeates the very structure of tonight’s venue, allow me a moment…
2010, the troops are out of Iraq, small swells of insurgencies happen, but they are infrequent. Osama Bin Laden has been captured. There is a spirited debate over standardized education, universal healthcare and the implementation of a 5 million green jobs energy bill on the floor of the House and the Senate.
Am I dreaming? Have I stated something utopic? Ideal? Or even unreal? The questions maybe viable or possibly, true…But the truth that can’t be denied… ”Yes We Can” is the dream…”We Can’t Fail” is the reality.
We as a nation are at a crossroad, where the path will either be painfully long or enjoyably prosperous. Without viewing the past, let’s deliberate on the future. Why? Because “We Can’t Fail”. Our dreams hang in the balance, not in the man we will elect president, but in how we carry ourselves after. We must care about everything that we felt were God given, yet has been taken from us by man… Our happiness!
Not an I-phone or a SUV, but our core beliefs. We need to engage in “doing right for the sake of right” as Bishop Desmond Tutu once said. We as a people need a living wage not a minimum wage. We as a people need government regulation of corporal business, not corrupt unions. We as a people need to see acts of benevolence in those we entrust to represent, serve and protect us, not lobbyist owned politicians, golden parachuted CEOs or police that have instilled fear in the innocent. WE need risk takers to do just that, take a risk for us. Have doctors help us, not practice corporate infomercials when writing a prescription, or save us, not practice medical law as they are performing surgery. We need as a people to see teachers…TEACH! Not give enough information that our children, our future can pass a test, but allow a dialogue, show how to interpret information so that the process of informational retention is the goal. We must not fail the people whose lively hood was taken and despair was given in its place. We cannot afford to look at the election process as “winning the Super bowl”. WE must acknowledge the election of whoever is the winner as just the end of pre-season. How we respond can determine whether or not we can appear in the Super Bowl.
We must be diligent in our theories by acting on them, not arguing about them for so long that the answers are no longer relevant to the questions before us…We must find common goals through the nuances of our points, not division through unyielding beliefs. We must start to do things for the common good or we will lose our very soul to cynicism and sarcasm.
So before you emotionally embark on this evening, know that this is pre-season. We all have made the team and a “Super bowl” bid is based on our weakest link. “We Can’t Fail”, because we set expectations that have never been met. Soon we must move forward with standards. Failure is no longer an option.
A home is a place of residence or refuge. It is usually a place where an individual or a family can rest in and be able to store personal property. This is what I hope this is to be.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Now I am a Christian…proud of it. Then there are the moments that I see the “fakers”.
You know who they are…I love the lord…the lord is working on me…DON’T YOU DARE JUDGE ME…ONLY THE LORD CAN DO THAT!
Now all the while they are spouting how you or I are living in sin…doing wrong, going against God’s will. These are the very same folks who are sleeping around, can’t commit to one person, or can’t get a good person cause, let’s be honest YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON! They can't rise to the occasion of looking out for anyone but themselves!Judgmental to the core, but you can’t pass the mustard for being a person much less getting into heaven.
Someone asked me the other day how can you be a Christian and act the way you do!?
Then proceeded to recite so many lines from the bible that you would think that they wrote it! WTF! I simply said to them challenge me all you want to but don’t use the bible to do it, they then responded with…What’s wrong don’t like the truth?
So I being a debater the way Ron Jeremy is a porn star I went at them…
Question #1…What is God to them?
Answer…All-knowing all-seeing, the Creator! God is love!
I then said…let me get back to you. They said you don’t have a comeback do you?
Now I’m pissed…my comeback is this don’t give me anything you can’t prove…don’t spout shit to me a GOD all-knowing and all-seeing would never sanction!
Your bible is flawed! Your bible has more edits to it than a Hollywood picture before it gets to DVD! Your bible has far too many contradictions for it to be written or endorsed by God! He is all knowing and all seeing then why would he be a damn flip-flopper, he’s God not John Kerry! Where is Jesus in the bible…not as the star of a chapter but as a writer? You would think he would have a say in it. Why is it blasphemy to challenge the word of God, when it is written by man?
I love the Lord. I don’t have faith that God exists. I have intellect and deductive reasoning behind me that leads me to KNOW HE EXISTS! There is a pecking order in all that we know and see…with that in mind, there has to be a greater being than myself!
A CREATOR! How he or she created us I don’t know, but I do know that we had to have had one.
I don’t need the bible to SCARE the shit out of me to do right! I know the difference between right and wrong! When I see scripture being used to indoctrinate and not enlighten, there is a need to say wait! If we are so into scripture, put your money where your mouth is…
Abolish money…that’s right let’s remove money; let’s give everyone one of everything they want. No more poverty, you know that thing that is mentioned more times in the bible than anything else!
Next let’s teach humanity and civility before we teach the bible, it fucking reads like a Wes Craven version of 300! There are more killings and enslavement in that than there is in Roots and an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie combined!
There is a better way to follow God’s will than following the bible…act right, act as if he is seeing you do everything you are doing! If He is all-seeing and all-knowing as everyone believes…
And as Chuck D. put it…”Aint that how God planned it”?
You know who they are…I love the lord…the lord is working on me…DON’T YOU DARE JUDGE ME…ONLY THE LORD CAN DO THAT!
Now all the while they are spouting how you or I are living in sin…doing wrong, going against God’s will. These are the very same folks who are sleeping around, can’t commit to one person, or can’t get a good person cause, let’s be honest YOU ARE NOT A GOOD PERSON! They can't rise to the occasion of looking out for anyone but themselves!Judgmental to the core, but you can’t pass the mustard for being a person much less getting into heaven.
Someone asked me the other day how can you be a Christian and act the way you do!?
Then proceeded to recite so many lines from the bible that you would think that they wrote it! WTF! I simply said to them challenge me all you want to but don’t use the bible to do it, they then responded with…What’s wrong don’t like the truth?
So I being a debater the way Ron Jeremy is a porn star I went at them…
Question #1…What is God to them?
Answer…All-knowing all-seeing, the Creator! God is love!
I then said…let me get back to you. They said you don’t have a comeback do you?
Now I’m pissed…my comeback is this don’t give me anything you can’t prove…don’t spout shit to me a GOD all-knowing and all-seeing would never sanction!
Your bible is flawed! Your bible has more edits to it than a Hollywood picture before it gets to DVD! Your bible has far too many contradictions for it to be written or endorsed by God! He is all knowing and all seeing then why would he be a damn flip-flopper, he’s God not John Kerry! Where is Jesus in the bible…not as the star of a chapter but as a writer? You would think he would have a say in it. Why is it blasphemy to challenge the word of God, when it is written by man?
I love the Lord. I don’t have faith that God exists. I have intellect and deductive reasoning behind me that leads me to KNOW HE EXISTS! There is a pecking order in all that we know and see…with that in mind, there has to be a greater being than myself!
A CREATOR! How he or she created us I don’t know, but I do know that we had to have had one.
I don’t need the bible to SCARE the shit out of me to do right! I know the difference between right and wrong! When I see scripture being used to indoctrinate and not enlighten, there is a need to say wait! If we are so into scripture, put your money where your mouth is…
Abolish money…that’s right let’s remove money; let’s give everyone one of everything they want. No more poverty, you know that thing that is mentioned more times in the bible than anything else!
Next let’s teach humanity and civility before we teach the bible, it fucking reads like a Wes Craven version of 300! There are more killings and enslavement in that than there is in Roots and an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie combined!
There is a better way to follow God’s will than following the bible…act right, act as if he is seeing you do everything you are doing! If He is all-seeing and all-knowing as everyone believes…
And as Chuck D. put it…”Aint that how God planned it”?
In the past...I wrote a blog because I was getting a little fed up with the state of religion. Well its back...with a new at a time.
I remember my pastor making this statement that has resonated in my mind for a while now…GOD is GOD all by himself. Now imagine for a moment that Jesus came back, not for the apocalyptical reasoning that have been stated but to tell us what He sees…
How do you expect to come to be with me when you are acting like Gods...
Remember the last one to do this...Satan!
Acting all heavenly-bound and you are no earthly good.
I remember my pastor making this statement that has resonated in my mind for a while now…GOD is GOD all by himself. Now imagine for a moment that Jesus came back, not for the apocalyptical reasoning that have been stated but to tell us what He sees…
How do you expect to come to be with me when you are acting like Gods...
Remember the last one to do this...Satan!
Acting all heavenly-bound and you are no earthly good.
I had to post this…
When I was in the second grade, I was taken out of my class and asked to read in front of my Asst. principal’s office. Needless to say, I was freaking out, scared out of my wits. I kept asking what I had done wrong. Ok I am lying I was trying to figure out why Stacy had told on me about smacking her on her ass…yes, I was mannish as hell.
Well she proceeded to tell me that I am a bright you man, as if to see if I agreed. Hello, I’m in the second grade lady how would I know, I guess I am. Well then off to my principal’s office, she then asked me to read something. Now I’m freaking out again.
After reading she asked me to do some math problems, ok, now I just don’t care so I do them. She looks over them and asks me to change a fraction to a decimal. I do so, she asks me how did I learn this…well I am a child…stating in the most sarcastic tone I could find” channel 11”. God did I think she was dumb, doesn’t everyone watch PBS! So she asks, “What do you think of going to 4th grade next year”? Ok, sure.
Well, fast forward to the last few weeks of school, IOWA TEST SCORES! Mine were off the charts, for the only time ever my step-father even gave me a complement. However backwards it was, it was still a complement. All I thought was this was easy, the test that is.
The next year came and I went to the 3rd grade, everything was alright. Yes I did say the 3rd grade. My 2nd grade teacher felt I was too immature and lacked social skills to handle a leap like that.
Now before I say anything else I had one intellectual growth spurt in my life, 2nd grade was it. I had a grandmother who gave me the World Book Encyclopedia set and a teacher who was my hero! Take that with all that I absorbed from PBS and I was cooking!
My grandmother died when I was in 2nd grade and I hated everything…my abusive step-father that beat me for sport and told me in the real world I could not survive, but my brother who had more street sense than me could. He is two years my junior and for years hated me as much as I hated him. My classmates that seemed so damn childish to me until my grandmother died cause then I didn’t care how I acted. But I LOVED SCHOOL!
I loved my teacher she was like my replacement for my grandmother. To hear she felt that way killed me. I couldn’t understand, if I acted like I was mature kids beat me up my step-father beat me and all the adult reprimanded me. Some would even say I acted to old for my own good. I thought I did everything right, went to church, passed all my test, and blew that damned ITBS out the water by more than five years in all areas.
There have been several blogs I have enjoyed about education, but the blame game is wearing me out.
I know this is anecdotal, but everyone keeps telling me that education starts at home. I must ask when these happen to you at school education ends. I forgot the boy who flashed a gun at me in the seventh grade for getting an answer right that he got wrong I shut the fuck up quick after that. Education starts when the bell rings to start class, it continues when the bell rings again for our future to go home. Parents cant especially in our economic state right now to be the stellar PTA participants that we would like them to be. So don’t ram down the parents throats that it is their fault before we correct the system that they expect to do their jobs. And although I do wholeheartedly agree about increasing the wages, justify it by making them earn the check they have now and not allow an antiquated union system to keep useless check takers such as at least 30% of these sad ass teacher that exist.
When I was in the second grade, I was taken out of my class and asked to read in front of my Asst. principal’s office. Needless to say, I was freaking out, scared out of my wits. I kept asking what I had done wrong. Ok I am lying I was trying to figure out why Stacy had told on me about smacking her on her ass…yes, I was mannish as hell.
Well she proceeded to tell me that I am a bright you man, as if to see if I agreed. Hello, I’m in the second grade lady how would I know, I guess I am. Well then off to my principal’s office, she then asked me to read something. Now I’m freaking out again.
After reading she asked me to do some math problems, ok, now I just don’t care so I do them. She looks over them and asks me to change a fraction to a decimal. I do so, she asks me how did I learn this…well I am a child…stating in the most sarcastic tone I could find” channel 11”. God did I think she was dumb, doesn’t everyone watch PBS! So she asks, “What do you think of going to 4th grade next year”? Ok, sure.
Well, fast forward to the last few weeks of school, IOWA TEST SCORES! Mine were off the charts, for the only time ever my step-father even gave me a complement. However backwards it was, it was still a complement. All I thought was this was easy, the test that is.
The next year came and I went to the 3rd grade, everything was alright. Yes I did say the 3rd grade. My 2nd grade teacher felt I was too immature and lacked social skills to handle a leap like that.
Now before I say anything else I had one intellectual growth spurt in my life, 2nd grade was it. I had a grandmother who gave me the World Book Encyclopedia set and a teacher who was my hero! Take that with all that I absorbed from PBS and I was cooking!
My grandmother died when I was in 2nd grade and I hated everything…my abusive step-father that beat me for sport and told me in the real world I could not survive, but my brother who had more street sense than me could. He is two years my junior and for years hated me as much as I hated him. My classmates that seemed so damn childish to me until my grandmother died cause then I didn’t care how I acted. But I LOVED SCHOOL!
I loved my teacher she was like my replacement for my grandmother. To hear she felt that way killed me. I couldn’t understand, if I acted like I was mature kids beat me up my step-father beat me and all the adult reprimanded me. Some would even say I acted to old for my own good. I thought I did everything right, went to church, passed all my test, and blew that damned ITBS out the water by more than five years in all areas.
There have been several blogs I have enjoyed about education, but the blame game is wearing me out.
I know this is anecdotal, but everyone keeps telling me that education starts at home. I must ask when these happen to you at school education ends. I forgot the boy who flashed a gun at me in the seventh grade for getting an answer right that he got wrong I shut the fuck up quick after that. Education starts when the bell rings to start class, it continues when the bell rings again for our future to go home. Parents cant especially in our economic state right now to be the stellar PTA participants that we would like them to be. So don’t ram down the parents throats that it is their fault before we correct the system that they expect to do their jobs. And although I do wholeheartedly agree about increasing the wages, justify it by making them earn the check they have now and not allow an antiquated union system to keep useless check takers such as at least 30% of these sad ass teacher that exist.
I wrote this blog about a month ago because a lady at my job ask me to do something that I can do but have been so afraid to try...
She asked me to help people!
Allow me to expound, I work in a warehouse distribution center. Where when I speak I get either you try to hard to act white or my favorite...this is from the lady...Why are you here, you don't belong.
This lady once told me I have the ability to help people because I'm able to strip sub-text and emotion from any situation. Well a talent I have been aware of for quite issue...
When you are so focused on your life you ignore the living.
Its truth telling time...I'm so disappointed in myself! I just a little while ago decided to go back to school to get my degree. The reason why is because I did see that talent and thought immediately that no one will listen to a Nigger from the South side of Chicago without a degree...Hell they probably wont listen to one with a degree.
That is the funny part...that has been MY crutch. No one will give your thoughts credence without that paper. I wish that was a concern of my own mental manifestation, but it is not.
Several years ago, I was involved in a conversation with some people. It started light-hearted then became very deep, some of which I didn't understand. So I started by listening, as I gather enough info I responded. Several of them agreed, then without provocation one of them asked me where I graduated from. I was confused so I told them I don't have a degree...IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL!
I guess that stuck with me until a friend told me how a degree wont make me smarter...IT WILL JUST CONFIRM MY INTELLECT! That is why I went back to school just to confirm my talent.
Then I started to use my talent for helping and DAMN IF PEOPLE DONT WONT HELP!
So now I bring to you my superman/super-hero blog.
Enjoy the is from Kill Bill...
Bill: As you know, l'm quite keen on comic books. Especially the ones about superheroes. I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating. Take my favorite superhero, Superman. Not a great comic book. Not particularly well-drawn. But the mythology... The mythology is not only great, it's unique. Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there's the superhero and there's the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race. Sorta like Beatrix Kiddo and Mrs. Tommy Plimpton.
Now that is the most profound thing I have ever heard of in my life…
Weak , unsure, a coward…
I said yesterday that there are many gifted people in the world, some of them use their gifts for ill gotten gains some even squander there gifts by not using them, or worse not acknowledging them. Some even run from them for fear of success and knowing they must maintain that success.
But know this those with the gifts and use them frown with disgust of those who do not have them. Call it a superiority complex or what ever it is you want the reality is the gifted ones know better and harbor resentment to those who plod through life and the world with reckless and lazy abandon. It is not a preference of those with the gifts for those without them to be that way it is simply put…
“You can educate those of a closed and narrow mind”. How can a doctor heal when the patient gets off on the infection? How can a teacher teach when the student believes “ignorance is bliss”.
If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, how can that quote be proven when power is only given to the weak and narrow minded?
I look around me and see so many “Super-heroes” and ask why do you not fly?
Then I see the people they can save and the point becomes mute. They see the hopelessness in the eyes of so many and wonder how can I save you from yourself? Why give you the right answer when I know you will choose the wrong?
Those without gifts are not hopeless they are lost, victimized by their own devices…all the while hoping for a “God” or a “Superman” to rescue them.
Then when “God” sends them “Superman” or their “healer” they buck or panic.
Refusing service or saving because it does not fit their agenda…which is hidden.
Or worse because that person or persona doesn’t fit their image of what they envision they question the help or advice, until they choose for themselves…then the cry for help comes through…help me from myself PLEASE!
Someone once told me the best way to win is to stop fighting…war only has losers and casualties.
I wonder how many of us are seeing losers in the mirror when they wake up?
All because they wont just stop fighting…
She asked me to help people!
Allow me to expound, I work in a warehouse distribution center. Where when I speak I get either you try to hard to act white or my favorite...this is from the lady...Why are you here, you don't belong.
This lady once told me I have the ability to help people because I'm able to strip sub-text and emotion from any situation. Well a talent I have been aware of for quite issue...
When you are so focused on your life you ignore the living.
Its truth telling time...I'm so disappointed in myself! I just a little while ago decided to go back to school to get my degree. The reason why is because I did see that talent and thought immediately that no one will listen to a Nigger from the South side of Chicago without a degree...Hell they probably wont listen to one with a degree.
That is the funny part...that has been MY crutch. No one will give your thoughts credence without that paper. I wish that was a concern of my own mental manifestation, but it is not.
Several years ago, I was involved in a conversation with some people. It started light-hearted then became very deep, some of which I didn't understand. So I started by listening, as I gather enough info I responded. Several of them agreed, then without provocation one of them asked me where I graduated from. I was confused so I told them I don't have a degree...IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL!
I guess that stuck with me until a friend told me how a degree wont make me smarter...IT WILL JUST CONFIRM MY INTELLECT! That is why I went back to school just to confirm my talent.
Then I started to use my talent for helping and DAMN IF PEOPLE DONT WONT HELP!
So now I bring to you my superman/super-hero blog.
Enjoy the is from Kill Bill...
Bill: As you know, l'm quite keen on comic books. Especially the ones about superheroes. I find the whole mythology surrounding superheroes fascinating. Take my favorite superhero, Superman. Not a great comic book. Not particularly well-drawn. But the mythology... The mythology is not only great, it's unique. Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there's the superhero and there's the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he's Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race. Sorta like Beatrix Kiddo and Mrs. Tommy Plimpton.
Now that is the most profound thing I have ever heard of in my life…
Weak , unsure, a coward…
I said yesterday that there are many gifted people in the world, some of them use their gifts for ill gotten gains some even squander there gifts by not using them, or worse not acknowledging them. Some even run from them for fear of success and knowing they must maintain that success.
But know this those with the gifts and use them frown with disgust of those who do not have them. Call it a superiority complex or what ever it is you want the reality is the gifted ones know better and harbor resentment to those who plod through life and the world with reckless and lazy abandon. It is not a preference of those with the gifts for those without them to be that way it is simply put…
“You can educate those of a closed and narrow mind”. How can a doctor heal when the patient gets off on the infection? How can a teacher teach when the student believes “ignorance is bliss”.
If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, how can that quote be proven when power is only given to the weak and narrow minded?
I look around me and see so many “Super-heroes” and ask why do you not fly?
Then I see the people they can save and the point becomes mute. They see the hopelessness in the eyes of so many and wonder how can I save you from yourself? Why give you the right answer when I know you will choose the wrong?
Those without gifts are not hopeless they are lost, victimized by their own devices…all the while hoping for a “God” or a “Superman” to rescue them.
Then when “God” sends them “Superman” or their “healer” they buck or panic.
Refusing service or saving because it does not fit their agenda…which is hidden.
Or worse because that person or persona doesn’t fit their image of what they envision they question the help or advice, until they choose for themselves…then the cry for help comes through…help me from myself PLEASE!
Someone once told me the best way to win is to stop fighting…war only has losers and casualties.
I wonder how many of us are seeing losers in the mirror when they wake up?
All because they wont just stop fighting…
nuance (plural nuances)
A minor distinction.
Subtlety or fine detail.
Understanding the basics is easy; appreciating the nuances takes years.
1901: Alpheus Spring Packard
Isnt this the final frontier to our intellectual evolution? The movement of appreciating nuances to understanding that all things are not black or white. The issue has been that grey matter or nuances as they maybe called has always had an agenda that worked against the understanding of intellectual or philosophical points.
To make it plain requires a greater effort than that of “scratching the surface”. There has to be a more grander scheme than the monolithic points we have existed in. For abortion or against abortion, where is the against the need for the great amounts of abortions by education. Republican or democrat, where is the home for the guy that believes in a little of both? Who will speak for him? Or even gun-control or second amendment rights, where is the thought of how can a man justify kill a duck with an uzi, or much more sinister, the reason greater guns are in existance has nothing to do with the Bill of Rights but that of making a profit.
Which brings me to the question, where are the moral bill of rights. Ah! Morality, the ultimate nuance. One cant logically say we as a people have progressed beyond the level of humanity that we acted upon 2,000 years ago. There are still needless killings that exist for reasons that have yet to change. There are still oppressive institutions that have yet to allow 98 percent of the world to co-exist without paying a life toll.
But I guess the answer would be the bible, good old word of God inspired by man. Always wondered what type of book that is considered the word of God would contain a holy war that has no end…where is the humanity and morality in that? There has been a right or wrong slant for so long that we don’t know what is or is not right or wrong. The answer doesn’t lie in the middle it lies in the nuance. If one day we stop deciding between left or right on our path to progress and forge a more educated and moralistic road there is a possibilty of hope for us all.
A minor distinction.
Subtlety or fine detail.
Understanding the basics is easy; appreciating the nuances takes years.
1901: Alpheus Spring Packard
Isnt this the final frontier to our intellectual evolution? The movement of appreciating nuances to understanding that all things are not black or white. The issue has been that grey matter or nuances as they maybe called has always had an agenda that worked against the understanding of intellectual or philosophical points.
To make it plain requires a greater effort than that of “scratching the surface”. There has to be a more grander scheme than the monolithic points we have existed in. For abortion or against abortion, where is the against the need for the great amounts of abortions by education. Republican or democrat, where is the home for the guy that believes in a little of both? Who will speak for him? Or even gun-control or second amendment rights, where is the thought of how can a man justify kill a duck with an uzi, or much more sinister, the reason greater guns are in existance has nothing to do with the Bill of Rights but that of making a profit.
Which brings me to the question, where are the moral bill of rights. Ah! Morality, the ultimate nuance. One cant logically say we as a people have progressed beyond the level of humanity that we acted upon 2,000 years ago. There are still needless killings that exist for reasons that have yet to change. There are still oppressive institutions that have yet to allow 98 percent of the world to co-exist without paying a life toll.
But I guess the answer would be the bible, good old word of God inspired by man. Always wondered what type of book that is considered the word of God would contain a holy war that has no end…where is the humanity and morality in that? There has been a right or wrong slant for so long that we don’t know what is or is not right or wrong. The answer doesn’t lie in the middle it lies in the nuance. If one day we stop deciding between left or right on our path to progress and forge a more educated and moralistic road there is a possibilty of hope for us all.
Allow me to let out an opinionated, emotional rant. Clearly, based on the problems I have seen in the past couple of weeks, we have a tremendous problem in this country that goes far beyond our scope…RACE AND THE OTHER ISMS!
Let’s play an analogy game, the Democrats want the people to be treated fairly, as long as the constituents suffer though, the money keeps piling in. So suffering shall continue. The Republicans believe we all should be able to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, yet their constituents as a whole lack boots! But the money beat goes on! The independents speak for the rest of us, as if we became a monolithic entity somewhere along the way.
That was an analogy of race and the great fraud that we have become clearly based on those that represent us or make the laws.
So let me cast the ultimate dark cloud…
Oppression is as universal here on our planet as oxygen. We will never escape it. It is the fiber of our world now. You will not see utopia in your lifetime or in your great-great-great grandchildren’s lifetime. We have fed this snake for so long it has poisoned us all.
Reasons are many but let me just point to those that have relevancy to me. Hey! I am the writer.
Whites have far too much privilege to ever let it go. That is right black people you may not be a slave legally but systemically we are called NIGGER everyday. They know and they don’t care.
Flipside to that, that very privilege is poisoning them as well. Don’t believe me, why do we as blacks laugh when we hear a white person cry about an injustice that they consider a tragedy. Is it because we know their tragedy is our daily experience that we must harden our skin against.
Women, you will always be objectified, by choice or by chance. Bitch and many other words demeaning and belittling you shall be in the male lexicon forever.
Gay people will always be disgusting to the majority, no matter how liberal some people claim to be. Unless its two women, see right back to the objectification I spoke of.
Muslims will always have the terrorist moniker from here on out. Even with that they would rather have that title than that of a nigger. Why else do you think that many times we are allowed out of a hostage situation…pity.
Many people think the Nazis should have finished the Jews off. A little bitter about that Jesus thing.
Arguments are wholly based on emotional stand-offs without any side ever listening. We have become political talking heads with our own arsenal of talking points. So the beginning, middle, and end of a legitimate conversation or debate is replaced with who can be louder than whom.
Powerful people made these labels so that they can have followers, or should I say people that will donate to their pockets, I mean time.
If you believe this stance is nihilistic, good it is. This sucks!
If we can acknowledge the inequities of all and level the playing field by speaking logically, acting responsibly and above all…DO RIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF RIGHT! We have a small chance.
But that means we have a big choice. What is in the best interest of us all? Can we do that?
Let’s play an analogy game, the Democrats want the people to be treated fairly, as long as the constituents suffer though, the money keeps piling in. So suffering shall continue. The Republicans believe we all should be able to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, yet their constituents as a whole lack boots! But the money beat goes on! The independents speak for the rest of us, as if we became a monolithic entity somewhere along the way.
That was an analogy of race and the great fraud that we have become clearly based on those that represent us or make the laws.
So let me cast the ultimate dark cloud…
Oppression is as universal here on our planet as oxygen. We will never escape it. It is the fiber of our world now. You will not see utopia in your lifetime or in your great-great-great grandchildren’s lifetime. We have fed this snake for so long it has poisoned us all.
Reasons are many but let me just point to those that have relevancy to me. Hey! I am the writer.
Whites have far too much privilege to ever let it go. That is right black people you may not be a slave legally but systemically we are called NIGGER everyday. They know and they don’t care.
Flipside to that, that very privilege is poisoning them as well. Don’t believe me, why do we as blacks laugh when we hear a white person cry about an injustice that they consider a tragedy. Is it because we know their tragedy is our daily experience that we must harden our skin against.
Women, you will always be objectified, by choice or by chance. Bitch and many other words demeaning and belittling you shall be in the male lexicon forever.
Gay people will always be disgusting to the majority, no matter how liberal some people claim to be. Unless its two women, see right back to the objectification I spoke of.
Muslims will always have the terrorist moniker from here on out. Even with that they would rather have that title than that of a nigger. Why else do you think that many times we are allowed out of a hostage situation…pity.
Many people think the Nazis should have finished the Jews off. A little bitter about that Jesus thing.
Arguments are wholly based on emotional stand-offs without any side ever listening. We have become political talking heads with our own arsenal of talking points. So the beginning, middle, and end of a legitimate conversation or debate is replaced with who can be louder than whom.
Powerful people made these labels so that they can have followers, or should I say people that will donate to their pockets, I mean time.
If you believe this stance is nihilistic, good it is. This sucks!
If we can acknowledge the inequities of all and level the playing field by speaking logically, acting responsibly and above all…DO RIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF RIGHT! We have a small chance.
But that means we have a big choice. What is in the best interest of us all? Can we do that?
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