Thursday, August 28, 2008

Love Letter

It’s early in the day, a day that regardless of who we are rooting for we will all be interested in… the speech. Not just any speech…the speech. It does not matter how it goes, know this, Hollywood could not write a better screenplay.

A Black man will speak as the first Black presidential candidate. It will have balance in extremes that has no equal…Black majority watching with euphoric and esoteric hope, White majority watching with skeptical and disconnected despondence.

As the chant of “Yes We Can” permeates the very structure of tonight’s venue, allow me a moment…

2010, the troops are out of Iraq, small swells of insurgencies happen, but they are infrequent. Osama Bin Laden has been captured. There is a spirited debate over standardized education, universal healthcare and the implementation of a 5 million green jobs energy bill on the floor of the House and the Senate.

Am I dreaming? Have I stated something utopic? Ideal? Or even unreal? The questions maybe viable or possibly, true…But the truth that can’t be denied… ”Yes We Can” is the dream…”We Can’t Fail” is the reality.

We as a nation are at a crossroad, where the path will either be painfully long or enjoyably prosperous. Without viewing the past, let’s deliberate on the future. Why? Because “We Can’t Fail”. Our dreams hang in the balance, not in the man we will elect president, but in how we carry ourselves after. We must care about everything that we felt were God given, yet has been taken from us by man… Our happiness!
Not an I-phone or a SUV, but our core beliefs. We need to engage in “doing right for the sake of right” as Bishop Desmond Tutu once said. We as a people need a living wage not a minimum wage. We as a people need government regulation of corporal business, not corrupt unions. We as a people need to see acts of benevolence in those we entrust to represent, serve and protect us, not lobbyist owned politicians, golden parachuted CEOs or police that have instilled fear in the innocent. WE need risk takers to do just that, take a risk for us. Have doctors help us, not practice corporate infomercials when writing a prescription, or save us, not practice medical law as they are performing surgery. We need as a people to see teachers…TEACH! Not give enough information that our children, our future can pass a test, but allow a dialogue, show how to interpret information so that the process of informational retention is the goal. We must not fail the people whose lively hood was taken and despair was given in its place. We cannot afford to look at the election process as “winning the Super bowl”. WE must acknowledge the election of whoever is the winner as just the end of pre-season. How we respond can determine whether or not we can appear in the Super Bowl.

We must be diligent in our theories by acting on them, not arguing about them for so long that the answers are no longer relevant to the questions before us…We must find common goals through the nuances of our points, not division through unyielding beliefs. We must start to do things for the common good or we will lose our very soul to cynicism and sarcasm.

So before you emotionally embark on this evening, know that this is pre-season. We all have made the team and a “Super bowl” bid is based on our weakest link. “We Can’t Fail”, because we set expectations that have never been met. Soon we must move forward with standards. Failure is no longer an option.

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