Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Allow me to let out an opinionated, emotional rant. Clearly, based on the problems I have seen in the past couple of weeks, we have a tremendous problem in this country that goes far beyond our scope…RACE AND THE OTHER ISMS!

Let’s play an analogy game, the Democrats want the people to be treated fairly, as long as the constituents suffer though, the money keeps piling in. So suffering shall continue. The Republicans believe we all should be able to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, yet their constituents as a whole lack boots! But the money beat goes on! The independents speak for the rest of us, as if we became a monolithic entity somewhere along the way.

That was an analogy of race and the great fraud that we have become clearly based on those that represent us or make the laws.

So let me cast the ultimate dark cloud…


Oppression is as universal here on our planet as oxygen. We will never escape it. It is the fiber of our world now. You will not see utopia in your lifetime or in your great-great-great grandchildren’s lifetime. We have fed this snake for so long it has poisoned us all.

Reasons are many but let me just point to those that have relevancy to me. Hey! I am the writer.
Whites have far too much privilege to ever let it go. That is right black people you may not be a slave legally but systemically we are called NIGGER everyday. They know and they don’t care.
Flipside to that, that very privilege is poisoning them as well. Don’t believe me, why do we as blacks laugh when we hear a white person cry about an injustice that they consider a tragedy. Is it because we know their tragedy is our daily experience that we must harden our skin against.
Women, you will always be objectified, by choice or by chance. Bitch and many other words demeaning and belittling you shall be in the male lexicon forever.
Gay people will always be disgusting to the majority, no matter how liberal some people claim to be. Unless its two women, see right back to the objectification I spoke of.
Muslims will always have the terrorist moniker from here on out. Even with that they would rather have that title than that of a nigger. Why else do you think that many times we are allowed out of a hostage situation…pity.
Many people think the Nazis should have finished the Jews off. A little bitter about that Jesus thing.
Arguments are wholly based on emotional stand-offs without any side ever listening. We have become political talking heads with our own arsenal of talking points. So the beginning, middle, and end of a legitimate conversation or debate is replaced with who can be louder than whom.
Powerful people made these labels so that they can have followers, or should I say people that will donate to their pockets, I mean time.
If you believe this stance is nihilistic, good it is. This sucks!
If we can acknowledge the inequities of all and level the playing field by speaking logically, acting responsibly and above all…DO RIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF RIGHT! We have a small chance.
But that means we have a big choice. What is in the best interest of us all? Can we do that?

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