Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bullet Wound With A Band-Aid: Part 1 of 5

When I was 5 years old I wanted one thing, to be president. Once I became an adult, that want slowly left my desire. I no longer saw the need to save everyone, not even myself. As I get older, I am of the mind set that there is no need to save those that dont have the desire to even save themselves.

Now I can sit back and watch and wonder...

This is the beginning of my end of blogging...I will shut my site down when I post the final piece of this observation.

Take care of yourselves.

I'm going to just say it…bullet wounds don’t heal with a Band-Aid. But damn if we aren’t stuck on Band-Aids. I have been constantly asking for comprehensive truth. I have decided to place issues out on to the table and see what people really think. This is the first of many that I will start a conversation with the intent to find truth.

Some have been questioning what truth means as if the definition is in question.

So let’s question it:

Social Security

It was created to address a serious problem…lack of socio-economic protection of the elderly. Its intent was to not allow our elderly to become homeless and destitute.

It was merely a stop gap, a last line of defense, the Omega of protection.

That was 1935. It’s now 2010. Social Security is now the Alpha and the Omega for so many people that it sickens me. There is blame to go around so many times that it would resemble a circle jerk of finger pointing to see who is truly responsible for such a mismanagement of a good idea. I for one, don’t give a damn about the blame anymore, I want the solution. Solutions require a problem. Let’s look at what they are:

Financial Mismanagement

Many people like it or not just don’t manage money well. I could go on further; speak on how we are easily malleable to advertisements or trying to keep up with the Joneses. But there is so much more to it.

Health Care

Medicare was and is not the solution. It’s just another failed answer. Single payer is not the solution, just another way to help people in the short term and hurt them in the long run.

Wage Inequality

I just wonder exactly when the labor part of the economic equation got such a false impression. How did labor, the process that makes all ideas possible, become the least of the equation? How did the people allow themselves to matter so little?


If I have a white collar and a lot of money I am presumed innocent? But be a working class stiff…guilty! There is a distrust in police, justice system, and the penal system.


We have yet to get the education program right. No one is willing to be honest or is willing to comprehensively address the issues.

If you want to wonder why Social Security isn’t what we need look at the things I listed.

Does that mean remove it tomorrow? Of course not, but let’s not pretend that it is being used for its true intention. Just imagine if we could have a real, true conversation about the list I made. We could perform surgery instead of slapping a bandage on everything. Or is it a Band-Aid on many bullet wounds that satisfies us? I hope that many can find more to add to the list…and offer ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that I am 50, I have accumulated 5 decades of what...and missed out on 5 decades of even more...but the truth is my palate is never satisfied.

Half a century ago I was beginning to wonder. Our start is like the truth of sharing...with someone or something we bond.

In that union we share things that produces another and we proliferate.

All things must pass, but before this occurs, the experience of time allows us the chance to share.

Those who choose to develop policies that only concern self and we should know what characters of self these manifest as.

Where is the pleasure in sharing? Well, first know what pleasure is.

Happiness, joy, peace and inner peace, kindness, goodness, hospitality, warmth from love etc. The spread at the table is abundant and without end.

So why do many choose to want only for themselves and miss the opportunity to share with all of the wonderful fruitage it brings?

If at this table of plenty, what I would call the true nature of things, we recognize its medicinal purpose as life sustaining, life perpetuating, then what cuts off or terminates the process of life is the attitude to think you can come to the table and not share.

Remember, this sharing is how life must reasonably begin and can not end if the sharing is genuine and true.

All we must do is what we all must do to share and what is damaged will repair. Because anything less is selfish.

So, what to do with someone who comes to the table and refuses to pass the sharing. We can be judgemental and take it from them and declare failure which will only treat the symptom or we kill them with kindness so to speak so as to cure the problem.

Now this should suffice as food for thought.

We the people need this forum. It has been shared with all through this blog. We can know the power in sharing, so come and pass the word.

Complacency; is self satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies.

Does this sound like we the people who have stuffed ourselves with greed, meism, selfishness, lies, covetousness etc. Such qualities might be full of flavor, but they lack nutrients to sustain. This I propose contributes to our current condition of economic, physical, spiritual, mental, emotional etc... health.

Sounds like a meal of robbers and thieves have plundered us under the table.

More food for thought, rhymes with gangsters, "BANKSTERS".

Who at the table likes to collaborate with such? Could it be anyone who has any inclination to take more than their share.

Those who covet your vote, maybe the IRS and the FED are some of the biggest ever constructed for ruination. Their polocies stand to produce what? More greed?

These bullet holes need to be repaired starting within ourselves at the table where we share.

The normal method or way of eating for many has literally starved them of truth or real food for thought or nutritious conversation and change.

Society has been gluttonized to chew the fat rather than chew some real morsels of progress and evolution.

Partake and share in an anomaly,

Anom A Lous