Friday, January 23, 2009


You read it right! No way! Nada! Not in a million years! There has never been nor will there ever be a such thing as god. You morons made this up...why... you need something to do on Sunday after the Super Bowl I guess. I have heard every single argument and as far as I'm concerned you cant show me this mythical being, so please STFU! I challenge any one of you bible thumpin hypocrites to come here knock on my door and say...hi James meet god...yeah right! Or better yet next time you come at me and say I spoke to god...record the convo...I would really like for you to ask him who he has in the next American Idol! Don't speak to me about his anger when an abortion happens, you twisted fucks get off on war,MMA and commit murder in the"NAME OF THE LORD" everyday...isn't that post-birth abortions. Don't talk to me about miracles either, have you ever seen one...Don't say I make minimum wage, got two babies mamas and good credit! Each and every time I see a church I think one thing...Exactly when is the collection plate is coming out...I only came to shake my ass when the choir sings.

So I dare you, any of you...PROVE THAT HE EXIST!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't prove and that is why I gave it up.

Can not give up something unless I try.

I tried faith and it lied.

Now here I begin to prove to you I am on a narrower path or road.

I will never again be a moron, because I am more off than on.

Will our paths ever cross?

Anom A Lous