Monday, February 2, 2009

Vacation?...Take Your Ass To Work!!!!!

That’s right get off your ass and serve your country, your town, and above all yourself…
Go to see your tax dollars at work…go see your representatives in your state or see your Congress or Senate. Ask them for your time, ask them questions, tell them your concerns.
Protect yourself and those around you. Get involved, hell make it a family vacation, take the kids let them know what is going on, explain to them why this visit is so important.

Im looking at Obama, thinking to my self…DAMN, I don’t wish to be him! Why? Because how can he get his own supporters to understand the most relevant statement he made during his campaign…YOU ARE THE CHANGE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR! Get up, stand up and tell those whom you pay, get out of my way…you are blocking my view to change! You have the power use it!

I’ve heard so many friends talk to me about cruises and trips abroad, but im going to see if my government can actually produce. I need to know why my life was in jeopardy this winter…why did they not plow? I need to know why I cant afford a degree, while making 50,000 dollars…why can I get a grant, when all I want to do is teach 3rd graders? Why does my tooth hurt…I’ve got health care benefits from my job, but I wont eat for a month if I go to the dentist…isn’t it time for universal health care? How did I get pulled over so many times last year…isn’t there a mathematical and scientific way to prevent racial profiling?

Damn! They owe us, we invested over a billion and a half to campaigns in the last year and a half! But capitalistic driven companies got corporate welfare while saying I make to much money as I get thrown on the streets because I don’t have the money to have a lawyer present at the signing of my mortgage? How many people are screaming…my ARM hurts!

All I am saying is people, this is a relationship, if we let them treat us bad they will. Lets be present in our relationship with those who would cheat on us if we look the other way.
We can kick them to the curb and find someone to love!

People went to the inauguration just to see history made, imagine the possibilities of seeing laws that we can read and understand. Laws truly for the people, we can make it happen.

1 comment:

ldyrdr1200 said...

A goverment big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have, and with that 98% if the adults in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It's the other lousy 2% that get all the publicity, But then again, we elected them....