Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am an Earthling!

I am a man, I am a black man, I am a 40 something year-old black man, I am a Chicago raised 40 something year-old black man, I am a Christian faith, 40 something year old black man…ok you get where I am coming from. I carry with me many different labels of expression or division.

But what I have not forgotten…no matter what I do, no matter where I go, or who I am…before anything…I am an earthling! Whether I belong to any organization, any group, no matter how big or small…

I am a citizen of this planet! All that is done, good or bad, is done on earth. With that knowledge, I have to accept that there is a responsibility of servitude to mother Earth. That’s right I said servitude! There is a level of honesty that needs to be validated, all that you or I do is being done on and to mother Earth.

I belong to the Earth! That’s right, she has more of a quantifiable ownership of me than my own biological mother, she is my giver and care taker. So, if we are servants of Earth. How is our performance? Would we get a good review? Would we, based on performance get a raise or a promotion? Would she fire us? Have we served the Earth as well as she has served us?

I look around and see a lot of good servants and I just wonder…does the bad outweigh the good? Or is it so much easier to take a step in the wrong direction than it is to be steadfast in our path of what is in the best interest of us all? Are we so much in love with our religion, political party, materials, or even ourselves that we have shown a disdainful hate for the earth? When we love “security” or “quality of life” more than we love the planet, are we being good servants?

Now of course, I like many others look at the Neo-conservationist and just question their stance, but I just wonder did they go to far to one side because we have move too far to the other side? Have we forgotten that we live here on earth? Have we forgotten that the planet has existed long before us? Do we understand that it can sustain its existence without us?

What if there is an end game?

We are sucking off of it, not the other way around. We need the planet far more than it needs us. We survive on its gifts, are we appreciative of those gifts? Will it matter if we have every electrical toy ever made, every car you could ever want to drive, or more money than you can ever spend if the earth “calls in our markers?”

Environmental issues have become political fodder, can you compromise with the planet? Are there credits of life that you can buy if the planet says “I cant sustain your quality of life”. How much is enough before we have nothing to go on…900 MILLION PEOPLE DON’T HAVE CLEAN DRINK WATER! HUNGER IS NOW TO SOME OF US A REASON TO PUT OUT A SONG!

I have a few cute buzz words in my head…results are the only quantifiers of action. So can we afford the results if its “game over”? Can we buy our way out of a loss of oxygen or water? Can we find a cheat code for doing what we claim is in “our best interest?” Do we even know what that is anymore?

If you can say that hey we have all that we need or want, this is not the post for you. If you don’t think this way, I ask, have we not heard the human alarm call? Why are we hitting the snooze button?

More importantly…do you really think if we started to act to make air and water clean that we are saving earth? Or are we saving our damn selves? Save the humans…Not save the planet.

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